Sailor Outer Moon-?

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You heard a scream as you were talking to Kizana, a new student at Mugen Academy. You and Kizana ran and saw that Scorpio had Minako's pure-heart crystal.

Kizana ran away and then the mysterious guardian/scout/senshi arrived.

"Outer Moon...Pluto Blast!"

Libra then appeared as you decided to let the two handle it to try to find out the mysterious guardian/scout/senshi's identity.

"Libra...Love Chain!"

The mysterious guardian/scout/senshi then shouted.

"Outer Moon...Reflection!"

The Daimon then got defeated. You returned Minako's pure heart crystal then said suddenly.

"Thanks for the help Kizana!"

Sailor Leo and Sailor Saggitarius -

You saw Michiru and Haruka talking to a girl with purple hair. You walked up to them.

"Who's that?" You asked.

"Her name is Isabella." Michiru explained. "She's a transfer student from Juban to Mugen. Her brother James also goes here."

"Move." A boy said. You looked at him realizing it as Isabella's brother.

"Gotta go sis." James said. Isabella nodded.

"Nice talking to you Ruka and Mich." Isabella said. "Tell Kaze I said hi. And dont be too harsh on Sakura."

They transformed infront of us though.

"Sagittarius Planet Power! Make Up!"

"Leo Planet Power! Make Up!"

Sagittarius introduced herself.

"Sailor Sagittarius has appeared!"

Then Leo.

"Sailor Leo has appeared!"

You decided to show them that you were Sailor Aries.

"Aries Planet Power! Make Up!" (Yes u got an upgrade :>)

You said your speech.

Then you saw a daimon so you started attacking it...

"Sagittarius Wide Pressure!"

"Aries Snake Fire!"

"Leo! Laser!"

The Daimon got defeated and Scorpio was upset because the Daimon didn't manage to get a pure-heart crystal. You knew that it was Leo, Sagittarius, Haruka, Michiru, or yourself (Because they didnt look at your pure-heart crystal cause your so smart) who is the next target.

Usagi Targeted -

Kizana, Isabella, James, Michiru, Haruka, Alya, Chibi-Sakura, Aqua, and Y/N were walking and talking as usual until they saw Ami with a girl who looked like her.

"Konichiwa Mizu!" Alya, Aqua, and Chibi-Sakura said.

"FUTURE QUARTET!" Mizu shouted.

Isabella and James sighed, knowing what Mizu meant and Alya, Chibi-Sakura, and Aqua were embarrassed. Michiru, Haruka, Kizana, and Y/N stared. Then, they heard Usagi's high-pitched scream.

They ran but when they arrived they heard someone shout.



Mist fogged everyone and then they all transformed and the Daimon was defeated after this:


Usagi never got her pure-heart crystal taken and Kaolinite died also.

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