A New Beginning

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N/N = Nick Name

Everyone suddenly heard a baby's cry pierce the air like shattered glass. You, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto went over as Chibi Moon asked.

"Is that a baby?"

Neptune cradled the infant in her arms as everyone realized that it was Hotaru.

"Since she has no family, I think we should raise her. All four of us." said Neptune. (Since your part of their team now)

"Where will you go then?" asked Sakura.

"It may be somewhere really far away." started Uranus. "Or somewhere very close."

"Will we meet again?" asked Chibi Moon.

"Yes. Of course. Super Sailor Chibi Moon." said Pluto.

She held out her hand and the little guardian/scout/senshi took it.

"We're friends. Always and forever." said Pluto. "We'll see each other again."

Chibi Moon was crying.

"I know your right." said Chibi Moon. "We're all friends. We're all Sailor Guardians/Scouts/Senshi. So we'll defiantly see each other again." Everyone else except the outers were crying.

Neptune smiled.

"Don't cry little princess. We love you." said Neptune, walking towards Chibi Moon. "So we will come back. That's a promise. And as a token of that promise, I want you to have this." Neptune handed Chibi Moon her mirror.

"Thanks Neptune." said Chibi Moon.

"Look at yourself in that mirror often." said Neptune. "And until we meet again, work hard, and become an even stronger guardian/scout/senshi. Small Lady."

"Also. Please protect our precious princess." said Uranus. "Keep her safe." They walked away as you walked up.

"Princess." You said. "Even though we've been through so much. I must go."

"I understand." said Usagi.

"Take care. And keep an eye on Sakura and Kaze. You don't wanna know the trouble they go through!" You said with a wink and ran after the others.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" shouted Sakura.




"So this is our new mission, huh." said Setsuna.

"As dreams fade away into morning, a brand new day can begin for all of us"

Ami Mizuno--Sailor Mercury---The genius of the scouts

Rei Hino--Sailor Mars---The impatient scout

Makoto Kino---Sailor Jupiter---The dreamer

Minako Aino---Sailor Venus---The idol

Usagi Tsukino---Sailor Moon---Princess Serenity

Sakura Tsukino---Sailor Moonlight----Princess Sakura Moonlight Serenity

Kaze Tenoh-Kaiou--Sailor Chibi Uranus

"Wherever you are.." You think. "Be safe...And until we see each other again..."

~*La fin~*

I finally feel accomplished I finished the book! I don't even remember when I published it it was my first book I made on here though! Without DarkSailorMoonFanfic's help though, I wouldn't have been able to finish this!

Update as of 4/22/2021: Pretty sure it was September 16th I started it and November 13th that I finished it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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