Fight! Fight! Fight!

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You and Haruka were trying to comfort Sakura after she got into a fight with Kaze.

"I'm sure she'll come by." said Haruka.

"No she won't." said Sakura.

"yes she will. Here she is right now in 3...2...1..." You said.

A knock was then heard as Sakura went to the door.

You and Haruka chatted for a bit then Sakura came back. 

Tellu then appeared and wrapped vines around you.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" You shouted.

Haruka transformed and started fighting Tellu. Sakura didnt do anything, and you knew the reason why.

Later, after Haruka got trapped in vines too, Kaze came. She also got trapped in vines after about 10 minutes. 

Then, after a lot of fighting between Sakura and Kaze about Sakura running, Sakura turned into Princess Sakura Moonlight Serenity and Tellu fled. The 3 of you got free from vines then Sakura passed out. Usagi came and dragged Sakura away.

You smiled as Chibi-Taru Tomoe appeared and asked for ice cream. You offered to take her, as Kaze went to go deal with the inners scolding Sakura.

Flight || Haruka TenohWhere stories live. Discover now