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third-person pov

  the crashing of a bedroom window abruptly woke up the once sleeping family, making their bodies spring up with distress and uncertainty. m/n's head swiftly looked over her shoulder as d/n's side of the bed was closest to the unexpected happening, though the moment she moved, a sharp pain was felt in her side, quickly turning her body numb, and her state, unconscious. 

just a few steps across from the parent's room, lie y/n; a character was strangling her with a substance-soaked cloth, and with a similar sharp feeling of her mother's, only slicing into her forearm, her figure fell to the ground with a thump and her mind, unresponsive. the two females were quick to immobility; they lie helpless on the cold wooden floor as the rainy night silenced their once screams. 

d/n's hopped onto his feet, the dimness of the dark night negatively affecting his way of seeing what occurred to his family.

yet another slice of skin was cut, d/n's limbs unable to move as three dark figures approached his still body, the feeling of not being able to fight back frightening him. his eyes remained wide, unable to blink from the sheer fear of sudden death, however suddenly, a sickly feeling was felt in the man's gullet, a thick black and moving essence escaping his windpipe, lowering the amount of oxygen needed to be inhaled. his large hands found their way to his neck, wrapping it around it tightly as the matter emerged out of him. soon enough, the near liquid inhaled his figure as a whole, making him vanish without a trace. 

with the window already being broken, the sounds of feet crushing the excess glass on the ground dashed out the crushed pane, leaving the females to themselves, unaware and unsafe. the comfortable cloth that rested their bodies promptly soaked in pouring blood, some leaking down to the floor they unintentionally laid on. the chilly night breeze sound through the home, making the hair on their heads sway along with it. 

it was dark. it was cold. it was wet. and the thing that kept them moderately safe from the outside world was now gone, never to be seen or heard from. though, he was still alive.

y/n was nine years old when her father unexpectedly disappeared. 

the two were taken aback once the news was said to them by rushed officers, figuring out the scene as the sun rose, brightening up the sky as an indication of a new day, the wet grounds glowing from its light. they were wrapped in thick medical blankets, hot chocolate cups in hand as they sat that the back of a halted ambulance truck. 

m/n's cup fell to the earth, a splash of brown liquid pouring out on its exterior. her shaking hands found their way to her face, a river of non-stop tears escalating down her cheeks and palms as she cried heavily into them. nevertheless, y/n remained calm, simply wondering about the disappearance of her father and second-guessing every possible scenario that crowded her mind. 

once the two, rather, just y/n's mother had calmed, the police advised them to move out as soon as possible as their home could be a danger to newcomers of evil. they said the place wasn't safe to stay in and they could be at risk of another capture. with a meaningful bow of the police chief, he ensured safety on the hero's family, and promise to get him back in no time.

though, y/n didn't want him back. without that snake of a father in her life, y/n was finally free of the shackles of abuse and pure hatred. sure her mother could be a bit harsh here and their but y/n could finally see her true colors now. still, she didn't want him to be hurt, even with how much he hurt her. no one is deserving of that kind of torcher, even if some would think they deserve it.

on one hand was y/n, tranquil and all, but on the other was m/n a worried mess, the sudden wave of realization on having to take action of the sudden crumbling family. she now needed to be the support, the provider, the safety. a rigid overwhelming awareness easily deposed her, the discomfort in her head rising, causing her to rub her temples in hopes to soothe it down. yet, the fact that she could build a relationship with her daughter sparked a bit in her, a small warm feeling inflating in her chest. 

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