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Y/n pov

with the south wind lightly flowing through the air, it ever so slightly made my eyes squint while I walked down a short flight of U.A stairs outside into the entrance, two unwanted visitors occupying me. I adjusted my bag strap and allowed the ends of my hoodie to cover my hands as the boys asked me inane questions.

"so L/n, if your quirk has to do with manipulation, could you make ice zombies?" the (shorter/taller) sparky boy asked, his yellow hair gently moving in the wind.

"I'm sure she could, that's just a stupid thing to want to manipulate. what about a giant tank! that would be so manly and cool!" his friend suggested, red spikey hair momentarily being pushed back by his hand.

I could see Todoroki waiting for me at the top of the entrance, crossed arms and head posted up on the blue gateway. he's so close but so far away.

it was the end of my third day at U.A and because the sports festival was in a week or two, Todoroki asked to train together until then. it was an offer I couldn't decline so I promised to meet him at the gate when school was over as I needed to speak to Aizawa for a moment beforehand. it was nothing too important, just about a few assignments; but when I stepped out of the classroom, the duo Kaminari and Kirishima wanted to tag along for the short distance ride, insisting for me to 'listen to their hypothesis' about my quirk which only turned into an indirect conversation.

what felt like miles away, I inched closer to my friend, each step feeling like I was being held to the ground, a ball and chain on my ankle as the teenagers carried on chatting and chatting and chatting.

finally stopping, I held in place, my eyes low and cold, mouth slightly chapped as it flatted out into a sparse frown, "I kinda have somewhere to be so... can we go our separate ways for today?"

they both stopped, awkwardly and stiffly apologizing for keeping up my time.

"see you tomorrow L/n!" they waved off, some awkwardness still clinging on.

"Yeah, tomorrow." I breathed continuing down the bricked path towards the half n half boy.

he soon noticed my approaching presence, stretching and grabbing onto his bag, "Took you long enough."

I huffed, "I got stopped by some eager classmates, my bad." I rubbed my eyes, walking before him ere looking back, "let's just go."


I barely knew how to describe it. one could interpret it as...that feeling you get when you're searching through your garage or attic, the air stuffy, cold and dirty. you step, push and shove over item upon item just to see that thing again. that item that brought you joy yet the second you saw it, you felt a tinge. you scrape your flesh at the corner of the boxes that lied on the floor, wincing a bit but carrying on. your eyes fall upon the box where that item was situated. your heart rate quickens from interest. the top was dusty, so you brush off the filth, your hands dirtying even more. your name is on the top, showing how quickly written it was from years before.

you smile, more dust filling your lungs.

tearing open the box tape, you lift the cardboard flaps, evidence of water and movement damage was present. your whole childhood was in that box, but you wanted what you came for. so you shove the others aside, what you were looking for at the very bottom.

there it was. sitting with everything else surrounding it. you don't know how to feel but all you could see was your...

"memories." I blinked, "all I can see are memories."

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