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third-person pov

her head peeked inside, shifting left to right as she creaked open the door. she made sure her steps were quiet, making not even a peep of sound.

lightly strolling around the corner to reach her room, she noticed the tv light flickering in the distance. her hands twitched into fists and her eyes closed shut, squeezing like you would a lemon. her heart rate accelerated, and with her expression relaxing once more, her eyes opened as low-lidded and dull.

"nice to see you come back in one piece Y/n." her mother spoke quietly through her teeth. her tone sounding tired but going off as dangerous.

Y/n persisted as still, head pointed to the ground and unable to move. her neck was stiff, but she was also...scared. never had she ever gone against her parents, especially her mother. though she disliked her strongly, she couldn't and didn't want to bargain with the severe consequences.

"you're home early." she muttered, bearly even moving her lips to speak.

"I had a feeling you would go to the exam, so I came back home four hours ago."

Y/n winced, listening to the steps of her mother walking closer and closer and closer to her.

M/n lifted Y/n's head with the tips of her fingers gazing at her with anger and disgust. how could her daughter do such a thing? she thought she loved her...she thought she cared...she thought she was fixed. but apparently, she wasn't, and that needed to be fixed.

"Why did you do it Y/n? why?! you know I need you Y/n...what if I was hurt?! what if I had died Y/n?!" her hand moved to Y/n's jaw clutching it with all forces just like before but somehow...with great turmoil. just the way she held onto her face frightened the teen, her irises staggering and beginning to fog up from sudden tears. she knew what was to come, yet it could be something more.

"you're an adult. you are fully capable of taking care of yourself."

M/n furrowed her brows, digging her nails into Y/n's skin, a river of crimson dripping down her cheeks. the s/t girl yanked her head back, her mother's nails scraping across her skin and causing more of the sting to erect and produce fresh blood. she looked like a cat had scratched up her face in worry, not wanting her to approach any closer.

Y/n stumbled a bit back, balancing on her feet shortly after. her mother stood shocked at her words, tears cascading her cheeks. "what happened to you Y/n?! I thought I fixed you!"

"what are you...what are you talking about..."

"you're a mess Y/n! don't you know how broken you are? you're.not.normal. and you'll never be normal! you're an outcast... an alien to the world! no one loves you Y/n, that's why I need to fix you! and...and if you're fixed...t-then I can have a normal family."


"JUST LISTEN TO ME! HELP ME!" her hands met her shoulders and forced Y/n back as she stumbled on her feet, crying her eyes out and continuously striking Y/n's cheeks until blood red, hoping that something would come out of it. "LET ME FIX YOU!"

"get off...please!" Y/n cried, her mother swaying her around as tripped like a drunkard. her face becoming bruised and bloody, the stinging swelling her face and forcing her eyes closed. this hurt most of all, not the attacks, but the way her mother looked. she was scared and paranoid, she didn't know what to do...she needed help. and Y/n wasn't the one to assist...her simple existence triggered something in M/n. she could do so much to stop this...yet she didn't.


"I didn't do anything to you! I'm a burden to you...to father! I can't do anything right mother! I can't help you because I clearly make it worse!"

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