(27) - Launching

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Chapter 27: Launching

The next day, Mike hurried to tell Bright about the news. "Dude!" He called, knocking on the door. He wasn't at all surprised when Win opened it. "Good morning, Win!"

Win was wearing a light blue sweater and tight white ankle jeans. He briefly glanced at his wrist watch before he opened the door to let Mike in. "You're here so early. Did something happen?" He stated as he led Mike to the kitchen, where he was preparing their breakfast. "Have you eaten? I'm cooking some french toast. Bright's still in the bathroom."

"You didn't join him?" Mike teased which caused Win to blush and just concentrate on beating the eggs.

"I'm kidding, but I'm glad you two are more than okay." Mike added, "I have some good news for Bright."

After a few more minutes, Bright came out of the bathroom. He was just in a black loose shirt and his boxers. "Oh, Mike. You're here." He greeted before he went behind Win and wrapped his arms around his lovers waist. Win nudged him away. "What? It's just Mike. He doesn't mind."

Win set the breakfast on the table. "I need to go soon. I might be late for work."

"I have good news." Mike stated as he sat down on the table. "Thank you for the food, Win. I had no idea you cooked."

Bright smirked. "He's the one who has been making me gain weight these past three months."

Mike slid his phone to Bright. "Check it out. That came in last night. You were probably too busy to notice."

Bright's eyes grew wide. "200,000 US DOLLARS?"

Mike eagerly nodded. "It's an anonymous donation!"

Bright looked like he was about to cry so the two of them hugged. Win was standing at the side wondering if the money was from his dad when Mike and Bright pulled him into the hug.

When Win arrived at work, he went straight to his dad's office. Debbie looked up from her computer when she saw Win coming. "Hello, good morning. How may I help you?" She asked with a smile. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Ah, no. I just have something to ask.." Win started then he leaned down to whisper into her ear. "I'm his son."

Debbie raised a brow. "You look familiar for some reason. But okay, you can go in."

Win nodded. "Thanks, Debbie."

Win entered the office to find Martin signing some papers. "Dad," he greeted as he closed the doors behind him. "How are you?"

Martin looked up. "Win, where did you go last night? Your mom was worried."

"Dad, did you send money already?"

Martin nodded. "Yes, my men had a hard time finding where to send it. Bright and Mike made a separate bank account just for that. It wasn't the one you gave me."

Win sighed in relief. "Thanks a lot, Dad. I owe you one."

"You'll pay me back for this. Don't forget."

"I promise." Win stated making a cross over his chest.

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