Teachers Meeting

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Rosetta had been released from the Infirmary after two days. Madame Bones at that time had been by to take her statement as well as other students, whom also labelled James Jr. a bully and pig. Madame Bones did not seem happy when James Sr. attempted to tell her that the entire situation was a misunderstanding. Madame Bones signed off on the restraining order but not the charges against James Jr. thanks to Dumbledore's influence with the Minister.  For all of the classes that Rosetta had with James Jr. he was not to speak nor work with Rosetta. All the classes taught by James and Lilly were to be done as if I wasn't there. Rosetta preferred it this way because it made it so that James couldn't take any points from her without it being harassment. The Slytherins felt a lot of respect for Rosetta over the event she pulled off. She was now nicknames the Princess of Slytherin. All of the first years were under her protection. The upper years thought it was cute and would often smirk when a group of first years were being harassed by Gryffindors that Rosetta would appear out of nowhere like a mama snake. James Sr and Jr were fuming after the incident in the Great Hall. They were mad that Rosetta dared to not obey them as her superiors. Rosetta simply didn't care.
Rosetta had gone back to classes and had begun tutoring those in her year. Rosetta accepted students from all houses. She found a large empty classroom and with help from the house elves turned it into a large study area with a bit of muggle flair to introduce them to the muggle world a bit so they were more welcoming to muggle-borns but the room also had a wizarding theme as well as books on traditions and others to help muggle-borns with the transition from strictly muggle to almost strictly wizarding. On one side of the room there were a few tables and chairs set up for homework and practice paperwork sessions.

On the other was a darker corner for the book readers to go to

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On the other was a darker corner for the book readers to go to. It seemed soothing to the snakes as a slight reminder of their dungeon.

Rosetta could often be found walking around and helping others do their assignments

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Rosetta could often be found walking around and helping others do their assignments. She had even begun making the teachers feel bad because they believed she was bored in their classes. They decided to discuss the situation in their monthly teacher meeting.
Flashback Begins
McGonagall had just arrived in the Headmaster's office. She noticed she was the last to arrive.
"Welcome to our first semester Heads of Houses meeting. How is everyone's classes going?" Dumbledore asked
"It is pretty much the usual. A few of my first years are a little homesick but that is nothing  that won't change over time." Professor Sprout said
"My Ravens are settling well. I hear that Miss Sherwood has started a studying group and all houses are welcome. I help supervise about three times a week." Professor Flitwick said
"Speaking of Miss Potter how has she been doing in classes. Severus?" Dumbledore asked expecting and hoping to hear how she is struggling or some other bias
"Miss Sherwood is a credit to the Slytherin House. She has taken to studying and assisting others of her year. If I have to say anything about Miss Sherwood, it is that she has found the current year work too easy this far so has taken to tutoring others to pass the time. She shows a lot of potential." Professor Snape said
James, Lily, and Dumbledore's mouths dropped.
"She does seem a bit bored in my class. At first I thought she was showing off like Jamie but instead she actually got up and began helping those around her." McGonagall said
"May we perhaps see the memory I haven't had a chance to see Miss Sherwood in action? I haven't had a chance to see what you're describing." Professor Sinestra said curiously
Both McGonagall and Flitwick agreed and Dumbledore reluctantly pulled out his pensieve. The first memory was Professor McGonagall's.
Memory start
Professor McGonagall had just handed everyone a matchstick and demonstrated how to turn a matchstick into a needle. By the time McGonagall was done talking Rosetta had turned the matchstick back and forth seven times and was now working on making a design on the needle. Professor McGonagall saw what she had done and stood staring as the needle now had a snake wrapped around it with emerald green eyes and the needle was silver in color.
"Miss Sherwood is the first to complete the task. Well done 10 points to Slytherin for completion and creativity. Perhaps you can help others around you." Professor McGonagall suggested
The first person Rosetta helped was shy Neville Longbottom. Rosetta watched as he did everything perfectly but the match refused to change.
"Perhaps the problem is the wand and not you, Neville. Let's do this without a wand. Close your eyes. Now concentrate on that warm feeling inside you. It is probably shy so you'll have to coax it to you like I've seen you do your plants. Now don't force merely guide that warmth to your hands. Now that warmth is your magic, Neville. It has been dying to meet you. Now feel the matchstick in your hand. Feel the wood and the bulge on top of the stick. Now imagine it changing into a needle. Small things matter so think of the wood looking and feeling like metal. Now imagine that bulge thinning until there is now a hole there. Now imagine how your needle should look like. You love plants and they love you so imagine this needle is engraved with leaf designs they can be any color of texture. Now Neville place your needle on the desk and open your eyes." Rosetta said confidently
Neville opened his eyes and stared at his gold and silver needle in awe.
"You did beautifully Neville. Keep practicing. You can use the same process to change the back or into another object of the same size." Rosetta complimented
When she turned around she had an audience. Everyone had watched the mini lesson even McGonagall.
"That was wandless magic. How?" McGonagall stuttered slightly
"Well everyone does accidental magic and according to history there was once a time when witches and wizards didn't have wands, wandless magic is in our very core. There is no reason that we can't do wandless magic if we are in sync with our magic." Rosetta said
"But you used your wand to do the assignment." McGonagall pointed out
"Only because you asked me to." Rosetta replied
McGonagall grabbed a book off her desk and gave it to Rosetta.
"If you can transfigure that book into something, you get an O for the semester and 300 points for Slytherin." McGonagall said before sitting back and the class watched
Rosetta looked at the book before slowly turning it in her hands. The book began to slowly transform. By the time she was done the book was now a living breathing kitten. Rosetta used no wand and no incantation. McGonagall stared in awe as Rosetta passed her the mewling kitten that knuzzled her hand. McGonagall was speechless and watched as student after student put down their wands and wandlessly tackled the task ahead of them. For the first time in years every student was able to turn a match into a needle on the first day. Class had ended but everyone heard McGonagall keep her word.
"300 points to Slytherin for doing what was believed to be impossible." McGonagall said
Memory Ends
Everyone came out of the pensieve trying to process what they just saw.
"She did wandless magic like it was nothing." Professor Flitwick said highly impressed
"Albus, didn't she say she had a tutor and was looking to go to an American school?" Professor Snape said
Dumbledore's mind was a spluttering mess. He couldn't have chosen wrong. The boy was the perfect tool for what he needed. The girl was much too powerful she needed to be brought to hand.
"Yes but perhaps we can look at Filius' memory to see more of Miss Potter's abilities." Dumbledore said as Professor Flitwick dropped in his memory
Memory Start
Professor Flitwick was telling students of the Levitation charm and how to cast it. Rosetta was already helping her bench mates whom had come along with her from Transfiguration. Gryffindors and Slytherins were looking to her for guidance. Professor Flitwick watched as those students got the charm quickly, so he got closer and watched as basically Rosetta was holding a mini class.
"Now I don't really focus on the movements because I've read that the more you practice with a spell the less movements are required. Now you want your feather to rise, right. Imagine the feather rising and guide it along the tip of your wand slowly. Your magic doesn't need to forced into anything simply let it flow at it's own pace. Seamus if you catch my hair on fire because of your reckless wand waving I will turn you pink with a tutu, dancing like a princess, and proclaiming that Slytherin is the best faster than you can say Football." Rosetta said without even glancing at him
Seamus stopped and paled before setting his wand on the desk much to everyone's amusement. Rosetta's feather flew into the air and she guided it around as Professor Flitwick gasped. Hermione and Ron glared at Rosetta. Rosetta's feather would float around other feathers and encourage them to go higher or stabilize the feathers in the air.
"Well done Miss Sherwood 15 points to Slytherin for completion of the assignment as well as 20 points for assisting your fellow students. Each Gryffindor gets 3 points for following Miss Sherwood's example." Professor Flitwick said
Rosetta began turning her feather different colors and continued to let it fly around and dance amount the other feathers in the air.
Memory End
"Miss Sherwood has a talent but I did notice that by the you had finished lecturing Miss Sherwood had already begun helping others." Professor Sprout said to Professor Flitwick
"I will be offering Miss Sherwood a place in my advanced Charms club and I suggest you do the same Minerva for Transfiguration. She has potential that shouldn't be squandered." Professor Flitwick said
"Now surely we shouldn't be putting so much on the girl. What about her brother Jamie? Perhaps they could work together and bond over their advanced studies?" Dumbledore said
"Albus, Jamie is nowhere near as advanced as Miss Sherwood. Jamie has shown that he has an understanding of up to second year studies but even then he still struggles." Professor McGonagall said
"Well perhaps Miss Potter-
"She prefers Sherwood. If you wish to ask her to do something may I suggest using the correct name." Professor Sinestra said
"Perhaps we can get Miss Sherwood to accept Jamie into her little study group after all he is her brother." Dumbledore said with his eyes in full glinting glory
"You seem to forget that Miss Sherwood has a restraining order out against the Potter family at the moment." Professor Snape said incredulously
"Well now that tempers have cooled surely Miss Sherwood will see sense. I understand she may be a bit jealous of him but that is no need to attempt to blacken his name." Dumbledore said
"He attacked her, Albus." Professor McGonagall said
"Both were angry and both were punished for their actions. Now both shall apologize to each other and all shall be forgiven." Dumbledore said exasperatedly
"Miss Sherwood will not allow Mr. Potter to be in her sessions. She calls him a bully and refuses to treat him as anything else. Quite a few students agree with her, Albus. Feel free to make Mr. Potter apologize but I doubt it will change anything." Professor Snape said quietly
Dumbledore could see he would be getting his way and went on with the meeting that ended an hour later. The teachers were exhausted and went to bed hoping for a smoother rest of the year.

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