Halloween and Troll Attack

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Rosetta was not really looking forward to the Halloween holiday. She watched as the muggle-borns were excited over candy and food whilst she was reminded constantly that her birth parents died on this day. Anna stayed with her and many of her Slytherin friends understood her attitude. Hermione understood and was sure to keep Ron away from her. The day just went completely down hill one day in Charms class. The class was going over the Levitation charm again, Wingardium Leviosa. Rosetta got it immediately before helping those around her. Ron who was sitting close by was pronouncing the spell wrong and waving his wand haphazardly. The wand nearly hit a young girl in the eye.
"Stop! Stop. You're going to end up poking someone's eye out. Besides you are saying it wrong. It's WinGARdium LeviOSA not WinGARdium LevioSAR." Hermione said
"If you know it so well you do it then. Go on." Ron said huffingly
Hermione did so with a slight smile when she got it right. She glared at Rosetta who Hermione claimed was a cheat and that no one could be smarter than her. Hermione would never admit that she was jealous of Rosetta who seemed to get everything right within a day of learning it. Rosetta merely shook her head and kept helping others until class ended. Rosetta was talking to a couple of other Slytherin girls when she heard Ronald Weasley insulting Granger. Granger ran off and Rosetta shook her head at the soft hearted girl. She noticed through out the rest of the day Hermione was missing. She overheard a Gryffindor say that Granger had been in the bathroom crying all day. Soon everyone was in the Great Hall eating dinner when Professor Quirrel ran in screaming like an idiot.
"Troll! Troll in the dungeon! Just thought you should know." He said before fainting forward
Everyone was silent in shock for a second before panic set in. Students began screaming while teachers were trying to calm everyone down. Rosetta jumped onto her seat and shouted for one of the prefects to make sure all the Slytherin students were accounted for. This action spread to the other four houses prefects who began to do the same.
"Quiet!" Dumbledore shouted through his wand "Now, prefects calmly escort your houses back to your dorms as the Professors and I go handle this."
"Wait! The Hufflepuff and Slytherin dorms are in the dungeons. Who's to say the troll hasn't moved since this coward came in?!" Rosetta said still standing on her chair
"Hermione Granger is missing." Percy Weasley called out in worry
Professor McGonagall paled.
Rosetta turned to Anastasia and said clearly for all to hear.
"This is why I didn't want to come here. The incompetence is inexcusable. Flint who's the best at aggressive spells?" Rosetta asked
"Pucey." Flint answered
"Pucey, you're with me. We've got to save the stupid girl and make it back here preferably without the troll finding us." Rosetta said
"Why should I care about a trumped up little mudblood?" Pucey said coldly
"Because that little mudblood would at least be concerned enough to get someone to help you no matter how much of a dunderhead you are. Some of the staff here are lacking so it would make sense for us students to stick together." Rosetta said exasperated before darting out the door with Anastasia, Draco, and Pucey behind her
Rosetta hit the first floor bathroom first and found Hermione.
"Granger! Come on we have to go there is a troll in the school. We've got to get to Great Hall." Rosetta banging on the stall
"Trolls cant get into the school. Hogwarts a History says-" Hermione began coming out the door
"No one cares. Run, mudblood." Pucey said before grabbing her arm and they ran
The group was running and they could feel the thumping as something big walked the halls behind them. Suddenly the Great Hall was in sight and they ran in before slamming the door quickly. Pucey cast a locking charm. He noticed that the students were there but no teachers. The prefects were huddled together talking. Pucey came over to them and told them that the Troll was close by.
"All first through third years go up to where teachers eat at. Anyone know the knockback hex, stupify, or reducto come this way. We'll need as many wands as possible." A Ravenclaw prefect said
Rosetta, Anastasia, and Pucey stood upfront and waited. The moments seemed to stretch forever before the troll began beating at the door. The younger years were crying and those with older siblings were asking if they were going to die. Anastasia was breathing heavy with unbridled fear.
"Not today. What do we say when death comes knocking, Ana?" Rosetta said to her to get her to focus past the fear
"Not today. Not today." Anastasia said like a prayer
The door finally gave and the large troll came in. He looked around and roared before swinging his club. The older students began to shout their spells but little was making a dent. Rosetta got closer and fired a cutting curse at the back of the trolls knees. The troll roared in pain before dropping to its knees.
"Flipendo!" Anastasia shouted at point blank range
The troll was knocked onto its back.
"Windgardium Leviosa." Draco pronounced clearly
He lifted the club and dropped it on the troll's head knocking it fully out. The students stared at the troll in shock before everyone seemed to sag in relief. Rosetta was spinning around looking at her friends. She fell to her knees when she realized they weren't hurt. Anastasia came forward and hugged her.
"Not today." Rosetta whispered
"Not today." Anastasia repeated
The teachers returned to see the downed troll and many students fully exhausted.
"What in the name of Merlin happened here?!" McGonagall demanded
"Next time before you leave, please do a head count I don't want to keep having to play hero." Rosetta said tiredly as she tried to stand before tilting forward
Professor Snape caught her before turning to leave the Hall.
"Where are you going she still needs to answer for this?!" McGonagall stated
"Perhaps you failed to notice, McGonagall, but these children are exhausted for a reason. You can get your answers after they go see Poppy." Professor Snape drawled before guiding his Slytherins to the Infirmary
Anastasia was able to explain what happened and the other Slytherins and prefects confirmed her story. Everyone stayed overnight in the Infirmary but we're allowed to leave come morning. Rosetta noticed the House point counter had a large amount more than last night. Dumbledore proceeded to address the students about the incident and reluctantly gave Slytherins the points for saving a fellow student then even more points along with all other students who took up their wand against the troll. Slytherins cheered for the now deemed Slytherin trio which Anastasia, Draco, and Rosetta laughed at pleased as James Jr. was not involved so could not steal the spotlight. Rosetta had a feeling that maybe this school wasn't so bad.

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