Aftermath of the Incident

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Rosetta was released from the Hospital wing to have breakfast with the students in the Great Hall. What she walked into was a mad house. It seemed that a group of parents had come to talk to Headmaster Dumbledore. Rosetta immediately noticed an irate Mr. Sherwood fighting with the Potter's.
"My daughter is in the hospital wing instead of an actual hospital because of your idiotic cover up. I demand to be shown to my daughter at once." Mr. Sherwood snarled giving off an angry aura making other parents stare
"It wasn't even that big of a deal. She's not your daughter. You stole her from us and brainwashed her. Besides it's just a small case of magical exhaustion." James said back
"Magical exhaustion has been known to kill people, so don't refer to it as a small matter. If you were really her father you would be more concerned with the fact that she is magically exhausted. Rosetta has been known to overpower spells when she is under pressure. Magical exhaustion shouldn't happen from a knock back hex or a stunner. Where were the bloody teachers?! Why were students even involved and having to stop the creature themselves?! What about the bloody wards?! How in Merlin's name did the creature get all the way into the school?! How incompetent is your staff that your DADA can't even stay conscience let alone fight off a troll?! I demand answers. If they're not to my satisfaction, I will snatch my girls out of here faster than you can Merlin's beard!" Mr. Sherwood ranted out of breath
James went to open his mouth and Mr. Sherwood actually growled at him. The Slytherin parents stared at Mr. Sherwood wide eyed as his rant made a lot of sense but they were also in awe as Mr. Sherwood's eyes were glowing with power. Lucius was enjoying the show but also had a question of his own.
"What is this I hear that when Quirrel came and told you of the troll in the dungeon, you immediately went to send the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs to their dorms which is in the same location?!" Lucius demanded before taking a step back as Mr. Sherwood exploded
"You did WHAT?!"
Rosetta walked carefully through the crowd to get to her father.
"Papa!" Rosetta called
Mr. Sherwood snapped around to find Rosetta making her way to him. The parents parted and watched the reunion. Mr. Sherwood checked her over and could still see the exhaustion in her eyes.
"You would have been proud, Father. My hex put the troll on his backside." Rosetta commented as Mr. Sherwood pulled her close and held for second
"I would've preferred you not having to deal with such nonsense at all." Mr. Sherwood said as he calmed down as parents smirked at seeing this side of him as he collected himself
Rosetta looked at him mischievously.
"We would not see my improvement then. After all we must show calmness and clear-headedness in all we do. Right, Father?" Rosetta said making Mr. Sherwood chuckle
"Of course. Being brought to task by my own daughter for shame." Mr. Sherwood said
"Now that things have calmed down. I do want to apologize over this incident there are many regrets that have been brought to light. I shall investigate most thoroughly. May you enjoy breakfast with your all children. I'm sure many need reassurance." Dumbledore patronizingly
The tables magically lengthened and the parents joined their children for breakfast. Rosetta was happy her father stood up for her so much. She was also happy to introduce him to her friends and the House of Slytherin. After breakfast the parents left and the students went to their classes. The Potters glared hard at Rosetta but she did not let that get her down. She was unable to use magic for the day as a way to let herself heal from exhaustion but that didn't stop her helping her study groups. Rosetta often was found walking with others and discussing different material that was being taught. Almost the entire first year was doing wandless magic from being taught by Rosetta. The Potters were angry that she refused to teach them or anyone associated with them. Mr. Sherwood took to sending similar materials that Rosetta learned from so she can use it to teach others. Mr. Sherwood smirked as he saw how popular Rosetta had become. The day Madame Pomphrey told Rosetta she could use magic again was funny. The first thing she did was glue James Jr's hand to his mouth so he couldn't talk or insult anyone. It was stuck that way for a few hours. Everyone laughed. The Potters tried to give her detention but they couldn't prove she did anything. They used a spell on her wand to check but of course nothing was found. James Jr. went through his entire morning with his hand stuck to his mouth. When the hex wore off he went to march over to Rosetta but the restraining order kicked in and he couldn't get any closer. When James Jr. went to shout abuse at her, James Jr. couldn't face the humiliation of what happened next.
"You are so much better than me. I'm so jealous of you." James Jr. squealed in high pitch voice
He clapped his hand wide eyed. Everyone stared at him with the same expression. Rosetta held her breath making her cheeks look rosy as she tried not to laugh.
"Why are you so much better than me?! I always use the bucktoothed beaver to keep me and Ron from failing. You didn't have anything. You don't deserve to do so good. I hate you. All the attention should be on me not you." James Jr finished with a snort like a pig
"I'm the boy who lived. I killed he who must not be named. You're a worthless nobody. I don't know why mummy and dad want you. You're nothing but a slimy snake. I should be all they care about." James Jr squealed before running out the Great Hall chased by Lily and James
Rosetta tried so hard not to laugh but the other Slytherin first years broke first which made the whole Hall burst into laughter.
"Oh my! He showed he really is a brat. What was that?!" Anastasia said giggling madly
"True treacle tart. I found a recipe for it and had a house elf make it and deliver it. One bite and you cannot tell a lie until it wears off. I love magic." Rosetta said
Dumbledore was glaring at the Slytherin table. He was beyond vexed that he couldn't control the girl. The plan he had set up was going all wrong. The girl was suppose to be abused and look at him like the savior he was and toe the line he set up. She was to be the perfect pawn and eventual sacrifice for his "Chosen One". Now he had to figure out a new plan to put in place. Rosetta Potter was starting to become a nuisance.

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