Chapter 10

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You sat on the lounge of HQ. You sat there in daze remembering what happened that morning before leaving the cruise completely.

That's right after untangling from the boss completely you received a morning kiss which made the atmosphere between the two of you so sweet, but this is wrong!

Why are you acting like a couple? You clearly rejected the Don and he just decided to do what he wants anyways. You are banging your head on the wall but only inside of your brain, to other people passing by you look like a statue frozen in place while staring into nothingness.

kuhh you wanted to know which part of your rejection was wrong or maybe you are just a pushover. No this time a complete refusal is needed or things won't end on a good note.

"Oh reader why are you here ?" The princess of the Wolfgang famiglia with Nova in tow asked me.

"I'm actually looking for the boss." You stood up ready to head to where he is at a moment's notice.

"my big bro is at the meeting conference. The usual place with the other leader of the divisions." She said with a smile while she played with her hair.

Why are you here with Nova if there is a meeting? The princess is too carefree .

"Don't worry miss, even if we skipped today's meeting there won't be an additional paper works. Also the boss is looking for you." Nova said before walking away with the princess who is happily chanting something about eating sushi out after a day's of hard work.

There are talks of turf war with other famiglia who wants to take down the Wolfgang family so it is not a surprise that the combat division (First Division) is busy cleaning up the mess.

 As a secretary in name, you are assigned on managing paper works for the family's business while working as a body guard is really just you hanging out with the boss. There is no excuse and you sometimes felt that being his body guard is just an excuse for you being lazy.

It happened quickly but you managed to sense bloodlust at your back so you turned around only to be faced with a barrel of a gun in front of your face. 

Bad luck you only brought the gun with you and not your usual weapon.

This is such a common occurrence on the base you couldn't be shock anymore.

"A Dragna's mole is happily allowed to stroll in our base, what an ugly sight." Without hesitation the soldier fired his gun at you. If you are that easy to kill and bully you wouldn't manage to survive for that long on the underworld.

It doesn't mean that you are in the same family you would allow them to do what they want. 

You grabbed your gun from the holster but then you held it tightly. You are not an accurate shooter so might as well just use the gun a weapon and hit the guy multiple times with the heavy metal.

You kicked his legs form hearing a crack as his joints bended in a way that shouldn't be, when you notice that he collapsed on the floor you proceed to beat him up with the gun you held on your right hand while your left hand grabbed your heels and you also beat him up using that. The gun's nuzzle became deformed after he receive all the beating.

"I'm not a mole you fucking bastard ! You dare shoot that gun at me ? Then you better prepare to be beaten up you punk fuck!" 

The guy shouted a few times for you to stop your white long sleeves have blood stains on them. You only stopped when the guy collapsed from pain.

"Oi bring this trash to recuperate." 

You still need to go to the meeting room and this trash dare to stop you when he can't even put up a decent fight. 

Nobody dare approach you until you knock on the door three times before opening it.

All eyes on the room looked at you before going back to the meeting, you spotted Axel sitting on the head's position. It is quite a distance from the door so you close it first before walking towards him.

"Axel we need to nurture a heir for you. I suggest you get married." 

Talks of marriage was asked from the Wolfgang's boss.

You pretended to be indifferent but deep inside you wanted to throw  a party. A marriage is perfect to get him off your back.

Nothing could make you more happy than this moment if only you didn't trip head first diving on the ground creating a perfect face plant in history. The room enveloped into a silence after you showed the perfect tripping moment the impact of your fall was enough to make them quite.

The damned heels that you used to beat up the soldier broke.

It is not surprising since you used it with so much force but still you just want them to ignore you and continue on with the meeting.

Your face turned red from embarrassment and now the associates don't know what to say anymore, if they should continue to press on Axel or not since their strong momentum earlier had been ruined by your fall.

One caporegime pretend you are not there and pushed some more, he wanted to introduce his daughter to the boss but first he need to make a chance.

"Boss we know that you are still in your prime but making a heir is also important. Educating and teaching a child the rules of the underworld is a very long process."

Axel seems like he is thinking deeply about it while you sat on the floor to remove your broken heels.

"I think getting married is also a good idea." Axel replied that caused an uproar in the meeting room. A perfect opportunity had been born!

"Wow congratulations boss! Marriage is great, ahh that's right you should get married as soon as possible." You add as you dusted yourself pretending the fall didn't happen in the first place.

You could no longer hide the brilliant smile on your face and on cue the other members on the meeting agree. They all want to introduce someone to Axel while you are just pleased at the results.


Author: Wow you're getting married!

Axel: I'll give you an invitation.

Author: erm woah you are oddly nice today.

Axel: I'm always nice.

The Mafia Boss (YandereMafiaxReader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora