Chapter 2

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"Princess this is bad, you shouldn't have done that." The princess is younger than you for a few more years so you don't feel awkward telling her the rights and wrong of her actions, the problem lies with her second in command Nova Wolfgang.

"But they would shoot Nova if I did not set off the bomb" At one glance you can clearly see how pleased Nova is with the decision of the princess that you got the urge to face palm right now.

This duo is also weird, the princess had been sheltered for too long by the famiglia it would make more sense for Nova to be the actual caporegime of the first division squad.

The building is burning on the background and the princess still looks neat, while Nova on the other hand have blood on his clothes. If you are looking at him from far away you might just thought that his actual shirt is really red instead of white.

"Just leave the place, it would hurt the Don if you are hurt. Oh, I forgot to inform you but we are going to an auction party so please behave yourself." you know that Nova would always come to the rescue of the princess but you sometimes wish that he would at least control the reckless princess.

The princess grabbed your black coat with sparkles in her eyes. She seems excited for some reason.

"Finally are you accepting my brother's advances?!" 

What does she mean by advances? You both are clearly just boss and subordinate. The princess is still young after all, it is inevitable that you would be misunderstood when both of you are always together.

"Princess, the don and I are just colleague trying to make the Wolfgang famiglia more powerful than before."


The princess and just nod her head looking at you like she wanted to express something but she keep her mouth shut for some reason and you did not bother prying what it is.

"Don't worry, I'm sure my brother is just being a coward so don't look for another man."

Now a talk about a man is involved, you couldn't even fathom what the princess is thinking inside that brain of hers. First she assumed that you have some sort of relationship with the don, which in fact would never happen and now there is a talk about you having a one sided love with Axel? 

Your clothes were pulled backwards rather harshly and so you stumbled backward and hit a hard chest.

The person you hit did not even groan from the impact and just stood steadily.

"Why are you even talking about another man with my person?" You looked behind you and saw the don standing behind you holding your collar that is now wrinkled thanks to the rough handling of your boss.

Why is he here already? Just an hour passed and shouldn't he be sleeping on the couch right about now?

"Whyyyyyy, are you jelly? Anyways brother I heard you and Reader is going on a date so I would want to pick the dress for sis." the princess exclaimed her smile is on full bloom.

Nova is standing beside her not speaking even a single syllable.

It is understandable with the don here, since they are not that friendly in the first place.

"Don't worry about her, I've got a dress prepared already. If you want something in the auction house just tell me so I can bid for it." Axel said tacitly before removing the glove on his right hand and dragging me with that same hand.

You can clearly feel the warmth emitting from his big hand wrapping around yours. 

You did not mind the simple touch since even the don himself did not bother with it in the first place. 

Axel planned to met someone but changed his mind midway as he is worried for your safety, that person can wait he is not that important anyways.

The said not important sneezed in the cold waiting for Axel that would never come.

Still his intuition is right, his sister is even instilling some stupid knowledge on your brain about another man right under his nose.


The yearly auction party you are going is a place where only the richest and people with status can enter. The attendee can bring one or two person with them to accompany them on the ship where the bidding would take place.

A black car is parked near by, the glass is tinted so you cannot see what is inside even if you peek hard pasting your face on the glass.

The door opened and an associate waved his hands when you and Axel entered the vehicle.

This associate is the Wolfgang's famiglia doctor. Victor Edelf, is a well known doctor in the medicine industry despite being young so people must wonder why he is working with a mafiosi family. He is someone the Wolfgang supplied with human parts coming from the black market. 

What he do with them is none of our business but in exchange he became the famiglia's doctor.

"So you called me here to check up on Miss Reader instead of your sister? ara, that's weird when she is not even involved in the fight." Victor tried to pry. 

That is true you only checked on the princess so asking a doctor to come is a little bit....

"Just do as you were told and take a look at her, remember even a splinter is something you need to cure."

"Ahhh sure, this lowly servant understand and would quickly check on the lady." He called himself a lowly servant but it can be clearly see hat he did not mean it one bit as he worked with ease without any discomfort even while facing the don's oppressive aura.

That is one of the reason why he managed to take on the role of being the famiglia's doctor. 

Dr. Victor wore a pair of gloves before checking on you, he made sure not to make any direct contact with you lest that possessive demon beside you complained childishly to him.

"The lady have a small splinter on her right hand pinky, should I prepare for an operation?"

Your eyes widen at Victor, actually operation for what? That is not deadly in the first place, it's just plain ol splinter.

"Operation? aren't you exaggerating too much?!" This clownery is being taken too far.

It doesn't even hurt and it would just have stuck on the skin.

"No, don't bother if Reader doesn't want to but give her some pain killers." Axel said and he sat on the car seat looking in front not bothering to say anything more.

Victor gave you a bottle of painkillers and you just carelessly put it inside your pocket since you would not use it in the first place.


Axel:Did you gave her the medicine?

Victor:Of course boss!!

Nova:Victor!!!! Give the princess a full body check up too.

Victor: I'm tired of everyone's shit

Author:stay strong Victor

Hope you like this, since this is mafia it would be a little bit serious plot but I would try to make it funny and light instead.

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