Chapter 1

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"Boss! There is another incident after the princess set off a bomb on our enemies after talking about a peace treaty!!" 

The man sitting on the sofa felt an incoming headache, just what is his sister doing? He tilted his martini glass and the red wine followed the motion.

Just what is that assistant of hers doing? He clearly ordered him to take care of that child but he just indulge her while mowing down all of the things his sister hate, but maybe that is more typical of doing things, they are a mafiosi family after all.

"Aren't you going to help the princess?" You peeked at your boss who is still busy drinking his wine ignoring the other subordinate who rushed out just to inform him.

"Reader don't worry to much about my sister, didn't she have that man with her? Come my dear let us drink some wine. I just opened this 1569 year wine and it would be a waste not to enjoy it"

You are a person picked by the Wolfgang famiglia after losing a game of Russian roulette more like pouched if someone can say the truth. You are originally a Consigliere of another family which is also the rival of the Wolfgang Famiglia but after getting permission to duel with the enemies you chose a game of russian roulette.

You could clearly remember how everything played out at that time.

"So how do we do this and what should we bet?"

Axel inserted a bullet inside the gun and spin the barrel before placing it down on the wooden table. Both sides have many soldiers and each of them armed, you decided to make a bet with the Wolfgang's Don to minimized the casualties.

"If I won I want you dead and then if you won I would surrender a certain territory for your famiglia." 

You easily agreed with the deal, your life is not that important compared to the Wolfgang's Don, you are just a mere councelor of the Dragna famiglia.

At the time of the bet the Don and the underboss of your current famiglia is absent so you took charge on what is about to happen.

You took a deep breath and grabbed the gun on the table placing it on the side of your head before pulling the trigger with a click. There is no sound of gun shot so you feel lucky and then passed the gun back to the Axel.

Technically he is also betting his life here and that is really dangerous but his eyes is still calm like he knew he would win for sure.

The two of you passed the gun back and forth.

You can clearly feel cold sweat rolling down your back as you anticipated every turn until it is the last turn.

Clearly the bullet would be shoot if you pulled the triggered but since he said that if he won he wanted your life, then you can only pull the trigger.

"Ms. Reader please just call off the bet! We could fight and-" You cut off what the caporigime would say as you raise your right hand signalling him to shut his mouth.

"This is a bet and we should follow the rules." You watched how the Wolfgang's Don smiled his eyes turning into the shape of a crescent moon  as he did.

Seems like he really enjoy killing.

You took your supposed last breath and pulled the trigger, with a bang sound the whole place turned silent and red liquid fall down the floor creating a big mess.

You opened your eyes feeling no pain at all but you saw a red substance sticking on the side of your head. It looks like paint?

"Now, since the consigliere of the Dragna famiglia is dead. Miss Reader Wolfgang it is time to go home." You felt like you've been played by this Don and couldn't help yourself but laught. 

The Mafia Boss (YandereMafiaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now