Chapter 2: Yes, It's Sanjay!

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"Sandhya, dad has decided on your marriage." Sindhu comes running to me, shuts the door, breathes heavily, and lets those words out in a low voice.

I am not very shocked since I wanted to believe it was a false statement. "Not possible! You can not fool me. He didn't have any such conservation with me."

"Do you expect him to have one?" says Sindhu offending my expectations from dad. That frightens me a bit! "Hey, you are giving me goosebumps! He won't decide without my concern. I know that! We never had a formal talk about this."

"He has. You know his sentiments, right? The day after tomorrow is a good day, and it seems; he will inform you exactly when the clock ticks 11.45 am on that day. He was saying this to his mother on a call. Highlight the word 'inform.' Dad is so conservative; he upsets me so often."

"Inform? What do you mean just inform?" Nope! I can't marry a total stranger just because dad has decided.

Sindhu continues, "I was suspicious about something serious going on, and I finally eavesdropped today."

I shout, "No! That's not true. Like, I'm not against marriage. But not with a total stranger."

"Looks like the goosebumps on your skin give you electric shocks!"

My anger is already on its edges. "Don't joke. I am shivering already."

She suddenly smiles.

Why? "I know, but I am happy!

I defensively question, "Why would you be happy about a new problem for me."

Standing beside me and holding onto my shoulders, she assuringly says, "Don't give that 'witch' kind of look at me, please! He is not a total stranger. Just a little bit stranger, might be!

This is your clue. By giving this clue, I am releasing you from your anxiety. But not from the suspense! I won't reveal his name. Stay tuned! While I get entertained!"

"Say! Who it is, I too should be able to judge and decide."

Walking towards the door, she says, "Don't worry! He is perfect for you. As perfect as I am for you. I have approved him. I know what is good for you. You don't have to break your head! Bye!"

Hmmm, time to switch ON my analysis mode. Ok, I don't have to worry. Sindhu knows who the right person for me is. It's only about suspense. Ok, wait. It is not about the suspense either. Is my anxiety awake? Because my crush for Sanjay is disturbed.

A few weeks pass by in a routine. Peaceful, calm, and unimportant! Sanjay's thoughts didn't disturb me. Converting my anger into words was quite helpful! Real life is, anyways, not beautiful. Putting down my expectations and happiness over a story feels as good as reality. But today, when my family is looking over another guy for me, Sanjay has again crossed my mind! God! Is this love? I hope it is not!

I walk to the balcony and can see Sindhu talking over a call. It seems like she is very excited. I remained, "Sandhya, you got over him writing a story and letting those uncertain emotions out. Also, marrying a stranger is better than marrying a flirt who takes my pictures secretly. Ok, I don't know if he did that. Sorry, you are probably not an idiot. Hmm, ok, fine, I will be just fine! And, as I live a happy life with this new person, I'll get over Sanjay. I, too, have forced a few guys to get over me by constantly rejecting them. It's my turn now! Let me stop thinking about this for now. I'll be fine! Look how confident Sindhu is, so I, too, should be fine! I'll be fine!" I forcefully assure myself!

It's dinner time, and Sindhu sits right beside me. Looking at her mood and expressions, I see she wants to play mischief with me. All the conservations happen over whispers.

Bending slightly towards my ear, she softly says, "Almost one and a half-day for your suspense to break.

I warn, "Silence! You should not speak while eating."

Ignoring my warning, she continues, "And the clue is, I know him very well. You met him just once."

"Do you want Dad to know that you eavesdropped? Just shut up!"

"Right! I will. But I think you will find the answer."

A few moments pass, and Sindhu hears Sandhya say, "Sanjay?" I guessed it could be Sanjay.

I have paused eating. My eyes widened as much as possible. The face bent down to concentrate on food is now turned towards Sindhu and is expressing what? I don't know!

Shock? Surprise? Anger? Ego? All? All mixed? Which one is the most prominent emotion? Is Sindhu able to catch that up?

Sindhu surprisingly says, "OMG, you guessed! And thank god you didn't shout out that name. I would have been dead meat in dad's hands. But how did you guess it so easily? What is it with that face and its expression? You suddenly turn out to be an Alien."

Sandhya curiously questions, "Now say. Is he the one? Sindhu, he is the one who..." I'm all tensed and unhappy about whatever is happening!

Sindhu is very cool. "Yes, Sandhya, yes! He is a good person. I know him well. Dad is strict and conservative. But you will get a lot of freedom from him and be happy. For an introvert like you, an extrovert like him is the perfect match. He helped me with my project too. Cool, smart, intelligent, and independent person."

Dad, watching TV all by himself, has now raised his voice to warn us. "Sindhu, what is happening? Didn't I teach you that no speaking while eating? A rule is a rule. Do you want me to punish you as I did on your 10th birthday for the same mistake?"

Sindhu lowers her head. "Sorry, Dad, I won't speak!" As both of them silence up on our 'strict fathers' warning statements like little girls, I continue to think. More, more and more!

"Sindhu, he is the one who Raj in my story is. I think he... Ok, Sandhya. Now that's not important. Do you think he is the correct one for you?".

It's 10 pm, our time to pack up with the day and rest. But I am not okay. Until Sindhu reminds me that it's time to sleep, I won't stop staring at the clock. The clock kept ticking, and I was lost in another world. As we lie down on the bed, Sindhu sleeps as usual, but I lie down to the opposite. I am trying to avoid people.

A worried Sindhu says, "Akka, we are already missing out on our sleep routine. Hold my hand for my happy sleep. After your marriage, I will be alone, and I think I will have nightmares daily! What should I do?"

That melts me off! Affectionately I turn towards her, holding her hands to say, "Sorry, dear. Don't get upset. I will turn, hold your hand, and give you your comfortable sleep and good night."

"Yes! Do that, Akka."

"And you will get close with mom and dad after I am gone."

"Dad is scary."

"And so is he equally lovable."

"Akka, why are you so worried? You can trust me! He is a good person. I am speaking about Sanjay. I have dealt with him a lot, and I know him well!"

"He knew me for a long time now, right, Sindhu? Is it completely an arranged marriage? I mean, were proposals, discussions, and decisions done only by parents?"

"It's arranged only Akka. We are constantly in touch. But he never brought up your topic, even by mistake. And I, too, was anxious about the same. I called him an hour back and questioned."

I slightly slap Sindhu's cheeks. "Idiot you are. Can't hold anything within yourself?"

"He, too, said it's mostly arranged and likes this proposal. Very delighted!"

I softly massage Sindhu's hair, and she is fast asleep within no time. I can't fall asleep. "Sanjay, you are hurting my 'female ego.' I will take my revenge!".

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