Chapter 16: Was I fooled?

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We have reached our home. My Aunt comes to the gate all excited to welcome us. We wash up our hands and legs for hygiene and let ourselves inside. I am moody now. Sanjay says he has to take care of a few arrangements at the temple and so excuses himself.

My Aunt and Uncle run a grocery shop which is a part of our home. For a while, I am at the shop attending to customers.

"Please pack me one kilogram of Toor Dal." Listening to that, I place the book I am reading on the table nearby and start to pack the same. She continues, "I am Ramya. You are Sanjay's wife, right?"

"Yes, I am Sandhya. Sanjay's wife."

She snatches the pack, which is still in my hand rudely, throws a hundred rupee note onto the floor, turns her back towards me, and says, "I don't know why you deserve to be his wife. If I hadn't broken up with him, I would have been in your place right now. Keep the change. I don't even want to look at you."

What was that? What the hell was that? This is disturbing me a lot! I have never felt jealousy to this extreme depth to date. Is this how jealousy feels? I want to hold Ramya's collar and shout, 'Sanjay and I love each other. You will not enter between us.'

The day finishes, and slowly does the nightfall. Sanjay, unaware of all this, enters the room. With a broad, pleasant smile, he greets, "Hello me, Wifie! Did you like the time you spent at my home? Tomorrow evening, we will walk through the pleasant fields and relax!"

Sanjay POV:

Sorry for leaving you alone, Sandhya. I was making preparations for the proposal I will be making tomorrow. I am very excited! I have invited Sindhu, Ganapathi Uncle, Vanaja Aunty, Nikki, Rekha, and Ram to witness our special moment.

"Sandhya, Are you all right? Why are your eyes red?" I am pretty sure she has cried.

"Nothing! I want to sleep."

"Sandhya. I'm sure you cried. I can sense that. What happened?"

Sandhya is furiously walking towards our bed, hurriedly falls into it, and pulls over the bed sheets only to cover up her face.

"It's hot summer. Why would you need that thick blanket?" She wants to hide something from me.

I waited for a whole minute. No voice was heard.

Rudeness. She isn't a rude person. Sindhu mentioned Sandhya's behavior when she is angry or upset. Sandhya does not speak up, nor does she complain. She does not shout, scold, fight, punish or create drama. She just stops speaking. JUST STOPS SPEAKING! And the next day morning, she will be fine!

I lie beside her on the bed, giving her a warm, friendly hug.

"What are you doing? Leave me alone. I need time; I don't want you to get close to me already."

"You are sad. You are angry. You are upset. You are irritated."

"Just leave me alone."

"I am your husband. How do you think I can leave you alone when I know you need a companion to stay by your side and console you? If Sindhu, would she not stay by your side? If your mother was here, would she not let you cry by her shoulder? You probably miss them, which is why your mood is this bad. While you miss your old family, get used to your new family. Get used to our way of showing love."

"I don't want to speak anything, Sanjay!"

"And hence, you are not giving me a chance to console you with words. At least let me give my generous support with this friendly hug. Is it so uncomfortable?"

"It isn't. I am not good at speaking emotions."

"Calm down! Just feel the warmth in my company. We don't need words to feel better with each other." She lets me hug her. I wait for zero movements from her to ensure she is fast asleep. I move down the blanket from her face. She is beautiful! My sleeping beauty. Sandhya, your family will be here tomorrow so you won't be moody like today. I will see you smiling the whole of tomorrow! Get ready for the awaiting happiness!"

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