Chapter 14: The Revenge Game Starts!

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Sandhya's POV:

"Sanjay has gone out to the market to get me Masala Dosa, and I am unpacking our stuff. So, do you want me to narrate the first take of Sandhya- Sindhu's revenge?" I am on a video call with Sindhu. She pulls her chair closer to the camera showing she is much more interested in getting the answer. "Yes, Akka, say what it was and how it was!"

"The breakfast was Upma, and I made a scene out of it. Look how it goes:"

Half- an- hour back...

Me: Even after I made that sad, dramatic, disappointing, sad face, how could you still make this Upma for breakfast?

Sanjay: But you still agreed because we didn't have a better choice.

Me: Oh, I agreed to adjust, and you made me adjust! You don't love me to the level of pampering me.

Sanjay: What's wrong with you?

Me: You aren't treating me like a queen. You should love me so much that you would shrink off when I do something I dislike. You should love me so much that you can't bear me compromising.

Sanjay: Now, do you want to eat this Upma or not?

Me: See, you are already turning arrogant! My mom used to beat Sindhu and me on the heads and made us eat Upma. We ate our Upma without fighting back. She didn't treat me like her princess, and even you don't treat me like your queen. What to do, my fate!

Sanjay: Ok, now what do you want to eat?

Me: Masala Dosa!

Sanjay: Fine, I will get the parcel. Wait for a while.

And then, Sanjay goes to search for the bike keys. He takes full ten minutes to search for that. Of course, our house is a big mess right now! As he comes out with the keys, I'm sitting in the garden and eating Upma. It was tasty, Sindhu. Not like mom's Upma!

Sanjay: You are eating Upma?

Me: What to do? I'm starving.

Sanjay: Ok then!

And he goes inside.

Me: You are canceling Masala Dosa? See, you are not valuing my wish.

Sanjay: But you are eating Upma.

Me: Get Masala Dosa; if I have space, I will eat!

Sanjay: Seriously?

And he sets himself to start the bike. He has almost reached the bike, and I shout. "Do you think I'm a psycho?" Sanjay has a stunned expression. I continue, "How would I make you starve for my Masala Dosa while I am eating this up to fill my hungry stomach?"

Sanjay: Ok, Madam! Please order me, what exactly should I do? Go or stay back?

Me: Eat your Upma and then get my Masala Dosa.

So, Sindhu, that was my first cute revenge.

Till afternoon, all we did was pack and unpack. Being tired, we took a long sleeping nap in the afternoon. It was a fresh evening when I woke up, and Sanjay was watering plants. I kept splashing water onto my face to kick away all the laziness, tiredness, and sleepiness. With a fresh and pleasant smiling face, I asked, "Park? Evening walk!"

I miss those days of plugging in earphones, listening to rock music, and doing an energetic walk. Of course, it was a pleasant and slow- lazy evening. We stroll, and most of the time, we sit by each other's side and enjoy this delightful evening.

"Hmmm, so..." Starts Sanjay. 'Hmm, so?' I see Sanjay being shy about that. 'Hmm, so at the start of our conservation.

I ask back, "So?"

"It's going to be a good evening. Only you and me. All the marriage fuss and formalities have ended. We will have a calm and smooth evening! I am looking forward to a lot more happenings and happiness!"

As part of my revenge, I must be unromantic! "Hmm, yeah! It's so peaceful today. It's time we go back home."

There strikes a big bright smile showing up his hidden dimples. He probably expected some romance while we were all by ourselves! But Awe, So cute! I remind myself, 'Gentle remainder Sandhya, he still didn't confess his love, and the revenge chapter is still up. I won't accept this relationship with secrets between us. There is some more time for our romantic chapter to begin!'

So I immediately added, "We gotta start cooking for dinner."

We are home. I have four tomatoes and two onions to chop. Even though I didn't insist he chops onions, he chose to chop them. "Hmmm, so!"

Again he goes with that 'Hmmm, so' tag before getting to the point. He has a lot of romantic intentions right now! I happen to reject them.

"Please come to the point, Sanjay."

He blushes and smiles and looks pretty hesitant to speak those words out. I know how much of an extrovert this idiot is. But still, look at him so shy with me. Isn't this why we ended up in an arranged marriage? Idiot! Idiot!

But I must thank him! It has not been a scary and weird arranged marriage where love between husband and wife is just a contract. Even though he didn't say it in words, he has shown and proved it in actions. I probably should end this revenge game sooner!

He continues, "Soo... The first day, you and I were in our house for the whole day. This feels so special."

I don't know what to say. Silence, I adopt for now.

After a few moments of waiting, "So.. speak something!"

"I speak less! Very less!"

Sanjay POV:

What? Do you speak less? Yes, of course, you talk less! But how could you make that statement with me? Why aren't you shy? Why aren't you blushing? Being a guy myself, I can't stop myself from blushing, and being a girl; you have to blush twice at. Where are our newly married couple episodes? Is this how arranged marriages are? Did I make the mistake of making her mine by normal arranged marriage? Should I have gathered all the guts and confessed my love long back? She did confess her love to me on our engagement day; is she expecting me to do something like that? "Oh yeah! I know. That's the introvert's property. But... but she isn't an introvert to me. We did have moments with each other that made it clear that she IS comfortable with me! Sandhya, look at me; smile at me." And as tears pour down my eyes, burning them up, I shout, "And how do you guys cut these onions? Aaah, my eyes are burning; oh god, I can't open them. I am tearing up." As I slowly open my eyes, I see Sandhya smiling over my stupidity. It looks like she is finding this moment cute. But she is trying hard to stop that laughter that's rushing out.

I say, "Thanks! I was dying to see that"

"What were you dying to see?"

"I was dying to see that naughty smile!"

Sandhya POV:

Of course, you are a flirt. Try as hard as possible. I won't fall for you today. At least not the very day I realized the truths and facts! I still don't blush, so he upsettingly says, "But, I was expecting some more smiles, blushes, and roma...n..ce.." while I make a disturbing sound of clearing my throat.

He sensed the awkwardness and regretfully asked, "Are you moody because you are missing your family?"

I have always been impressed with the kind of gentle person Sanjay is. No one ever cared to understand or guess my reasons for being moody. I'm again impressed. I will play with him and have fun for a little while! Just for a little more while!

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