Chapter 6: Guess Who?

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Sandhya's POV:

The next day, Sindhu is standing beside the bed and folding the laundry. She seems tired and dull. I enter the room, blushing, which is observed by none! I have two updates for her "Sindhu; I published my story. It is no more a secret."

She isn't pleased with whatever she got to listen to. "Hmmm. Finally, some senses entered your head! What is the title?"

I'm upset! "Hey, that's such a calm response. I expected you to pounce on me and shout 'Congratulations!' and do all sorts of drama and..." Sindhu does not even turn towards me.

She continues folding the laundry and says, "I was distraught that you kept it a secret for such a long time. No excitement at all!"

Listening to that, I, too, lost all the excitement. Sindhu does have a valid point! "Hmmm, yeah! That's a fact. Same here. No excitement at all!"

Sindhu: What's the title?

Me: An Indian Girl's Love Story.

Sindhu: Hmm, suites the story well!

Me: Rekha and Nikki read it as soon as I said them. They, too, were very curious!

Sindhu: Did they ask the same question? Do they know the guy who inspired you for that idea? To ask the above question, Sindhu turns towards me to observe my response. But still, she has no excitement about the guy who inspired me to become an Author, just that she is a little curious.

I'm upset to hear that. "Won't you come out of that question?" A bit of blush invades my cheeks while I try to say, "Also, I have decided to say a 'yes' to Sanjay. So, that does not matter."

(Writers POV: The conservation between them, which was all dull, is now filled with Sindhu's excitement and Sandhya's blushes. Sandhya has pink-red cheeks and Sindhu has stars twinkling in her eyes.)

Sindhu: Wow! Really!

Sandhya: He said, "I was under the pressure of impressing you." I fell for that.

Sindhu: Didn't I say you... Didn't I tell you he is perfect for you?

Excited and happy, Sindhu ran to the living room to make this announcement "Mommy! Sandhya says yes to the wedding."

Sanjay POV

Another day passed, and I finally got time to think deeper about Sandhya and her scary words. It's been two days since I met her, but I'm still confused. I just do not understand her. I again need Sindhu to rescue me.

Over the phone, I start, "Sindhu, your sister is very complicated."

Out of disappointment or something, she shouts, "Hey, why would you say that?"

"It is easy to deal with you, but with her, it feels like I am with some Alien!"

"I have no words to describe how lucky you are to get her love."

I get deeper into the topic giving more reasons for my confusion. "She says 'Conservative father,' which makes me feel Ganapathi uncle is forcing her and that she is not convinced. I, too, know what kind of a person your dad is, dominating, rude, and..."

Sindhu probably has sparkles of anger shooting up her spine. Without letting me speak further, she shouts, "Don't you dare complete that sentence."

I carefully continue the conservation. "Hey, I am sorry, I didn't mean to... I was just worried about Sandhya.

Sindhu answers, "Yes, my dad was dominating, short-tempered, conservative, and... But not now! He has constantly tried to be a better person for his family. We are happy. You need no worries! And hello, dad did give Sandhya the right to decide."

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