Chapter 10: Sindhu's twin Siddhu

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That evening at Sindhu- Sandhya's home,

Sandhya's POV

"Anyways, I will marry the one I love and live happily ever after!" I say to Sindhu. I am ironing the purple Lehanga I will be wearing tomorrow. "You were so confident about Sanjay being the perfect one for me. Why would you have that doubtful face now?". I will be visiting the Venkateshwara Swamy temple with Sanjay. Also, this is probably my last chance to wear a half saree. Sanjay has never seen me in this outfit. I am sure he will be mesmerized!

Sindhu, on the other hand, is neatly folding the dupatta. "Yes, Akka! He is sincere with you. He loves you."

I reply, "So do I, Sindhu!"

Sindhu: Akka, we have repeatedly declared that all guys are the same and that all guys are stupids and idiots. So, do let go of his small and little mistakes.

Me: He isn't a cruel and selfish person. He won't dare hurt me. So, I will for sure find his mistakes cute and silly! Remember the day we met at the mall? Oh! He was so funny! But Sindhu, why are you suddenly acting like mom? Giving me marriage lectures!

Sindhu: I am mad at him for some reason.

I am done ironing the blouse too. Having them neatly folded, I turn towards Sindhu, hand over the clothes to her, and ask a keen question, "Why?"

Sindhu: You will get to know. Anyways, that temple is a beautiful one. You will first have to climb a lot of steps. If you are tired, ask him to carry you.

Me: Joke?

Sindhu giggles and continues, "And then, take Swamy's Darshana. They give Pongal Prasadham; it's delicious. Eat it up. Watch the greenery around the hilltop; it will be a beautiful visual. You can expect Monkeys around too. They could be wild. Sanjay should be able to protect you." I smile.

Sindhu: You have the whole day. Visit the lake and the greenery nearby. Spend a lot of time together. In that silence and nature's beauty, you guys should go romantic.

Naughtily, I pull her ear, saying, "This little kid, not even 18 years old, is advising me to go romantic!"

Sindhu- Saviour of my life! That's her definition. I was a lonely, introverted kid till I was eight years old. One fine evening, I overheard my parents speak and realized I would have a little brother or sister! And I ended up having them both. Our joy knew no limits! Twins joined our family, a girl and a boy. We named them Sindhu and Siddharth(Siddhu).

Being a kid, I didn't understand Siddhu's disorder, but he didn't even last a month with us. We all gave Sindhu, her part of love and Siddhu's part of love too. She received double love. We saw our Siddhu, too, in her. She is no less than a rebelling boy! While watching Sindhu in various emotions and situations, I remember Siddhu. I keep wondering if he would react the same or have a different response. I keep wondering if Siddhu would get a fever on the same day as Sindhu. I keep asking myself, how long would Sindhu and Siddhu fight over a bar of chocolate? I never fight with Sindhu. Anything she asks me, without a single thought about myself, I give to her. But now, she hardly asks me anything. She is all grown up and mature.

I wonder how my family would have turned out to be with a boy child in it. Mom would have pampered Siddhu a lot! Dad would have been a bit easier and probably less dominating. Would Siddhu like Sanjay the way Sindhu likes him? If Siddhu was with us, would our love story be different? Since Siddhu is a boy, would I have felt some comfort discussing all my doubts and insecurities with him? For some reason, I never wanted to say these feelings to Sindhu, even if we were very close. She probably would have immediately declared I was the one to misunderstand him since Sindhu and Sanjay were very close. Siddhu would have seen it from the men's perspective and probably would have had it properly investigated. He probably would have questioned Sanjay if he had been with us. Sanjay being a single child, would have been much more delighted to have Siddhu as his little brother to him, like I have Sindhu. Whatever, we lost Siddhu, and it's a fact.

Sindhu wipes the tears rolling down my cheeks. Deliberately she asks, "Why would you cry, Akka!" I kiss her knuckles, covering her hand with both of my hands. Sindhu does not know she has a twin brother Siddharth. As tears drop down more, I hug her and cry out loud. Is this possible? How did I suddenly get this emotional about Siddhu? Did our bond get this strong within a month, or is it the power of genes, family bonding, and love?

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