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The room was shrouded in silence-except for the ambient noise of the ceiling fan turning and the sound of water lapping outside the window. Two figures lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. They had been lying still for time unknown. Was it an hour? Or was it five minutes? Didn't matter! Lying speechless, they stared and stared at the ceiling, their thoughts empty, their emotions lying dormant for the moment.

A pair of pink lips curled in their trademark smirk.

"So that's the hype and hoopla about!" Arthit commented, and Kongpob sniggered, next to him. Both turned to look at each other, surprise and elation marking their features. Looking at each other, both burst out laughing simultaneously. A hearty guffaw, that was joyous and cathartic at the same time. Laughter brought about by relief. Relief that they did indeed experience the magic of lovemaking.

Turning to look at one another, Kongpob cupped his cheeks, lightly caressing them with his thumb.

"Are you alright?" Arthit nodded. A happy twinkle in his eyes, his skin rosy pink.

"Was it painful?"

"Other than when we started, no! Thank you, Kong. For being so gentle!" Arthit kissed his palm.

"Wow!" Kongpob flipped back and stared up once again, "Wow! Just wow P'! It was amazing! Right? Tell me it was as amazing for you as it was for me! Wow!" Kongpob bellowed as he sat up, jumping excitedly. Arthit chuckled seeing Kongpob in this state.

"Wow! P', it was amazing! Please tell me it was as good for you as it was for me?" Kongpob asked, excited but with a hint of apprehension as well, worried about his lover.

"It was Kong! It was so much more than I expected!" Arthit, a beatific smile lighting his face, replied.

"You are not just saying this to make me happy, right?"

"No! It was amazing. Thank you, Kong. For being so patient and taking care of me. Had you not been gentle, it might have been a different story altogether."

Snuggling into Arthit's neck, Kongpob inhaled his scent deeply. This scent calmed him. Even more so with their scent intermingled and sex-laden.

"I don't know if I can be this gentle the next time, though," Kongpob mumbled, and Arthit chuckled, the deep rumble of his laugh heard through his chest, pleasing Kongpob even more so.

"Let's deal with that when we get there. I am sure you will be mindful of my discomfort," Arthit countered, and Kongpob with a content 'hmmm' nuzzled deeper, happy in the knowledge that his lover had faith in him.

Unaware, with their bodies amped-up with happy hormones, the boys dozed off, as the worry and fatigue of performance left their bodies, replaced with endorphins and hormones that lulled them to sleep in each other's embrace.


Kongpob was the first to wake up. Groggy and dazed, he looked around the darkroom, and the memories of the last few hours flooded back. Seeing Arthit in deep sleep, he smiled. He loved looking at his senior while he was asleep. There was a baby-like quality to him while asleep. Kongpob's weakness was Arthit's lips. Awake, his seductive smirk did things, but asleep, the innocent pout, the cupid bow of his lips, and the slight dip at the edges where his lips ended fascinated him.

Arthit had once mentioned that he felt his nose was his best feature, but for Kongpob, it was his lips.

And his dimples.

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