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The night was dark, but the moonlight reflecting on the water cast a gray glow on the surroundings. It was quiet and peaceful, with only the sound of insects chirping, disturbing their tranquility.

"Oon...thank you!" Arthit rubbed Kongpob's hands fondly.

The mood changed as Kongpob grabbed Arthit closer, leaving warm breathy kisses on his neck and ears, whispered,

"Oon! Make love to me, please!"

Arthit stiffened in his arms. Did he hear it right?

"Oon! Make love to me!"

Arthit this time moved away to look at Kongpob, confusion marring his face. Surely he meant making love once again and not what he thought he meant. Looking at his confused expression, Kongpob pulled him in his embrace, rubbing his cheeks erotically against his lovers, his breath tickling Arthit's ears making him gasp.


"I want to feel you! In me!" he whispered close to his ears, stunning him. The warm moist breath tickled Arthit, and the words were like warm honey trickling over his skin. He was not sure what he should feel or how he should react.

It is true that they never discussed this in detail, but he knew Kongpob was alright experimenting and figuring out what suited them best. So was he. He was open to try his options to see what he liked. Until now, sex was mind-blowing. He had prepared himself mentally and physically for this trip. So he did not mind being the receiver.

But now, to hear this request from Kongpob was unnerving him. His sole concern being, what if he messed up and did something that would hurt Kongpob? He had read stories of virgin tops, who in their excitement and enthusiasm, lost control, and end up hurting their partners badly. What if he did that to his Kong?

But clingy, sexy Kongpob was turning him on! He wanted to feel him too. He desired to thrust into him and make him moan and sob his name just like his partner had done till now! Kongpob was nibbling his jaw, leaving light kisses, and Arthit's self-control was slipping away like sand through his fingers.

"Don't overthink it. I am ready. I want to try," Kongpob whispered, resting his forehead against Arthit's.

"But Kong..."

"I know I haven't prepared myself. But I am willing to try if you are."

"That is not the reason Kong. What if I hurt you?"

"I don't care. All I know is I want you. Hearing you admit to those girls was so hot. I was going to ask you to try tomorrow, but you were so sexy claiming me... Please... I need you... I don't care... if it hurts, it hurts! Please, Oon."


"If it goes wrong, I will have tonight and tomorrow to rest. Please! Please!" he softly pecked Arthit's lips, begging him.

Seeing Kongpob pleading, something triggered in Arthit! Like a switch going off, he felt a change come over him. He wanted to do what Kongpob was asking for; and to get through it, he couldn't be the Arthit who was like a scared doe yesterday. If he had to please his lover, he had to take charge. His training kicked in to help him, and like the leader he was, he took charge of the situation. Like Kongpob, who despite his fears and apprehensions had stepped up for their sake, he too needed to do the same, especially for Kongpob.

Grabbing his hair, Arthit stilled Kongpob. Giving his lips a hard peck, he said, "Stop pleading, Kong. You have no idea how badly I want you!"

"Then take me! Stop worrying about hurting me. Just take me!" Kongpob's words and his desperate pleas were his undoings. Arthit pulled him by his nape, burying his fingers in his hair, he devoured Kongpob. Kongpob was stunned by this change in Arthit's attitude. It was his lover in his hazer form, and Kongpob desperately wanted to surrender to him. He tried to rush him, but Arthit seemed to have suddenly calmed down-for his movements were controlled and firm.

For The First TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora