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As considered normal, the engineering cafeteria was noisy with conversation, boisterous laughter, and utensils clanging.

The juniors and seniors arrived with their plates and settled on the table opposite one another.

"Ai Arthit! Where the fuck were you, asshole? Why didn't you respond to any of our messages on the group chat?" Bright had been meaning to grill Arthit since they met in the morning, but it had been a hectic morning for everyone with back-to-back lectures, so the lunch break was when they could actually take a breather. He specifically sat next to Arthit to bug him for details.

Knowing what a nosy prick his tall, lanky friend was, Arthit had already practiced his answer.

"Ummm... I went home. I told you guys. I was busy with my parents and left the phone in my room," came the well-rehearsed reply.

Kongpob looked at Arthit, who was sitting opposite him. He noticed the slight smirk on his lips, which Bright missed, for he was too busy stuffing his face.

Aim looked up from his plate, confused. He was sitting next to Kongpob. He looked at Arthit then back at his best friend, who was sitting next to him. His fingers moving between, pointing to Arthit and Kongpob, he mumbled, "But didn't you say you were with him."

Kongpob jumped in his seat and loudly said, "Aim, about the assignment, have you decided the topic. You need my help, right?" he glared at Aim. But Aim being the confused soul he was, stared and again looked at Arthit.

"Hold on! Hold on! What did you say, Nong?" Bright asked, an evil grin lighting his face.

Shit! Bright had caught on! Arthit panicked. And being the relentless fucker that he was, Bright would not spare anyone until he had the truth. 

Stupid Aim and Stupid Bright! 

Acting on an impulse, he knocked over his glass of pink milk on Bright to distract him.

"Oh hell!" Bright shrieked at being doused with the cold drink, and Arthit bit his lips to stop his smile. It was satisfying!

"Fuck! Sorry Bright! Are you alright? I am sorry I didn't see the glass! Are you alright?" he sounded so convincing, anyone would believe his concerned voice.

"Knot, take him to the bathroom and help him clean it before it stains his shirt!" Knot looked at Arthit, confused. Why the fuck should he help a grown-ass guy in the bathroom but looking at his face silently pleading, he nodded and dragged Bright away, who was furiously trying to dab off the milk with tissues.

Seeing him leave, Arthit smirked and sat down only to find Toota smirking back at him.

"I saw what you did there! I. Want. Details!" Toota said with sass folding his arms in front of him. This was going to be juicy!

Arthit glared at Aim, who shrank back on his seat and then at Kongpob, who was smiling like a happy dolphin.

"Not. One. Word. To. Anyone!" he warned Toota, and he zipped his lips in agreement.

Through the entire ruckus, Prem sat clueless, looking at Wad through his camera, clicking his pictures. Wad, equally clueless-was reading a book on his phone.

Arthit buried his face in his hand, wondering how to get away from Toota, when smiling like an idiot, Kongpob transferred some meat into Arthit's plate.

"Here, P'. Eat more! You need proteins!"

"Why does he need proteins, Nong?" Toota asked, grinning.

"Umm, strenuous exercise, P'!" came Kongpob's cheeky reply making Arthit glare at him, while Toota guffawed.

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