43. I Saw It Happen

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TW: suicide - Newts story

Sitting on the edge of the building, legs dangling over the side, the afternoon sun slowly coming to a set, Newt didn't bother turning round only lifting his head slightly, as Thomas came to stand by the blonde, who just fully turned his head to the brunette.

"Sorry about that. Back there." Newt apologise once again. "I guess I can't hide this anymore." he said pulling up his sleeve and removing a bandage off his arm to reveal a small open scratch, black and purple vines covering the skin around it.


"Are you okay?" Gally asked Athena.

"I'm fine." she assured, starting to walk the same way Thomas and Newt went, "I'm gonna make sure neither pushed each other off the roof." she said as she walked out.

"I guess I can't hide this anymore." She heard Newt say through a broken window causing her to stop and listen from a distance.


"Why didn't you tell me. Or Athena does she even know?" Thomas asked crouching beside Newt.

"Didn't think it would make any difference." he said bluntly. "All I know is that WCKD must have put me in that maze for a reason. Maybe it was literally just so they could tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me."

"We can still fix this Newt. Okay, we can."

Taking in a deep breath "Did I ever tell you about the time when I broke my leg?" Newt asked. "Way back in the maze. I just came up from the box just like all the other guys, didn't know where I was, didn't know who I was. Even though all my memories were gone I could still feel that something was missing."

"A few months later I was made keeper of the runners, Athena came up through the box, but I barely spoke to her. So I still had that same feeling. I felt empty. And i- I just couldn't hack that."

"Couldn't take it. So one day when like any other we ran into the maze, but I went and I found the tallest wall I could. I climbed up there and I jumped off it."

"Of course, I got completely tangled up in all the ivy." He chuckled slightly, "Snapped my leg in three different places, like a proper shank. And I landed hard on the floor. And I thought that was it."

"And then Athena found me. How I don't know, she was still a Med-Jack at the time, but she found me and dragged me all the way back to the Glade. And to this day I haven't told anyone the truth. Not even Athena. She's a smart girl, probably figured it out when she saw me, probably even knows about my bloody arm but was too kind to push it on me. But she saved me and gave me a second chance, that I wouldn't take back for the world."

"And now we need to get Minho back, becau- because I can't leave her without at least one of us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save him, get him out of there then we have to take that. No matter what the cost." he said holding her ring connected to her chain in his hand.

"Okay. I hear you." Thomas said taking it all in. "Just come back in when you are ready." he said, patting Newt's shoulder and standing up, and walking back inside.

As he walked through the corridor he was suddenly pulled into a room, the door closed behind him. Seeing the person he turned round to see Athena at the door handle. "Now I'm going to tell you something and you're gonna do it, you understand me. Or i will chop your little girlfriend in two." Athena said slowly walking towards Thomas.

"What do you want?" Thomas asked.

"When we go get Minho, you are going to listen to me when you need to, okay, you're not the main part of my own little plan but you're still gonna be there. So you need to toughen up and get Teresa here now. Got it." Athena said threateningly.

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