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To say Jimin is in a bad mood on the first day on set is an understatement. He struts in, dressed from head to toe in Chanel, making sure to pose and smile sweetly for the paparazzi outside, waving and signing fan’s letters and shirts graciously. He knows that he’s stealing the spotlight, especially considering Jungkook pulled up in his manager’s van in sweatpants and large sunglasses, contrasting Jimin's pastel silk and sunglasses perched in his freshly bleached hair.

“Are fans even allowed on the premises?”. Jungkook whispers to his manager, who shakes his head.

Just on cue, they do come, and Jungkook resists the urge to roll his eyes at the screaming fans and Jimin, who looks daintily surprised and disappointed as the security guard speaks with one of the fans.

“Marry me, Jimin oppa!”. One shouts, and a flash of disgust runs through Jimin’s eyes, but he waves and beams, suppressing a laugh, pouting slightly as the guard tells him something, then turns on his heel and blows a kiss at the paparazzi.

“And people wonder why I hate him.”. Jungkook remarks. “I’ll bet anyone ten bucks that he staged the cameras.”.


Jungkook turns around pointedly as he sees Jimin getting his makeup done in the living room of the house that’s supposed to be their set, inspecting his nails.

“Yeah, and that one bitch asked me to marry her.”. He tells his makeup artist, who nods, clearly more focused on his eyeshadow than what he’s saying. “Like, hoe, I’m a 10, you’re a 2. And I’m fucking gay, I swear to God. How many times do I need to come out for people to take a fucking hint?”.

“I know I’m supposed to love my fans.”. Jimin continues. “But I swear to God, half of them still joke about that “no jams” joke from when I was still a singer. And then they write that cringy ass fanfiction about me and think they have a chance with me, and that they know me. I only act like I care about half of them because they’re the ones keeping my career afloat. I mean, if I had funny stans, like Loona stans, I'd be happy, but the amount of Koreaboos that love me…”.

“Careful what you say in public, Jimin.”. The makeup artist reprimands him. “There's cameras everywhere. You don’t want this to end up online.”.

“You’re right, fuck. Are they filming already?”.

“You’re in luck, not yet.”.

What a fake bitch, Jungkook thinks with a scowl as he sits down on the chair next to Jimin, waiting for his own makeup artist.

"What are you doing here?". Jimin sneers.

“What the fuck do you think? Don’t tell me your botox made you even more dumber than before.”. Jungkook shoots back

“Well, you see, I don’t think anyone explained to you that this makeup station is for the leads and more, well, popular actors. Ones with experience.”.

“I’m literally the main character.”.

“Oh!”. Jimin’s eyes widen in surprise, pushing his sunglasses up. “That's so sweet of Hoseok.”. He says with a sweet smile. “Hiring more underground actors. Love him for that.”. He gushes, and Jungkook raises an eyebrow, trying to seem unimpressed by the comment.

“You do know I have more followers on social media than you, right?”.

“And they’re all twelve year old koreaboos who fetish you. That’s not a flex, honey.”.

“And you’re the one who had people protesting outside your management to ruin your career, so you can’t talk.”.

Jimin seems unfazed and smiles sweetly, examining his manicure.
“Have fun with that too, once everyone finds out that you’re not straight.”.

“I’m sure I will. People do tend to forgive you when you have looks on your side.”.

“Aww, I guess you’re gonna need some more bodyguards, in that case.”.

Jungkook returns the sweet smile, flipping him off before he turns his phone on to block him out.


Initially, Jungkook chose to act in this show, not all other offers he had received, because it was supposed to be one of the few BL’s that were in a classic K-drama style, with plenty of episodes and screen time, and wasn’t designed for a straight, white, female audience. Also, it’d be a good way to come out. And he was painfully single, so kissing a cute guy for money hardly seemed like a disadvantage.

But kissing Park Jimin for money? He’d rather chop off his dick than have to do a sex scene with him. Just the thought of having to act like he’s in love with him makes him want to throw up.

But here they are, both sitting in silence, which at least is better than sniping at each other, reading through their scripts.

Originally, it seemed like a nice story, the classic “I’m a hot college student minding my own business when I get in a really shitty situation because of a stupid, equally hot mafia boss”, but gay and without a main who thinks she’s not like other girls just for putting her hair up in a messy bun and liking underground music. Basically, a Wattpad.

And as much as he hates Jimin, he can defintiely see how well he’d play snarky, seductive Choi Yu-jun who would be willing to fuck a hot mafia boss just for kicks, dreaming to be in the fashion industry, both designing clothes and walking in them, always dressed immaculately and barely bothered that he’s being held captive.

He’s about to comment on how different he looks, maybe make a snarky comment on how much worse he looks without makeup caked all over his face until Jimin raises an eyebrow at his own outfit, dress shoes that make him the same height as Jimin in his platforms, a tailored suit, parted hair and eyeliner.

“Gives me cringy wannabe K-drama villain vibes.”. Jimin says. “I hate it.”.

He knows they’re being filmed, but it's just for the highlights, so they’ll cut out what they’re saying and just make it look like everyone’s talking and having fun, hence Jimin’s wide smile.

“Aw, thank you.”. Jungkook responds, returning the smile. “You look so different without ten pound of makeup. I think I can see your acne, now.”.

Jimin’s smile drops briefly, but he replaces the pout with an ever wider grin, slapping Jungkook’s shoulder with a fake laugh.

“You’re so lucky the makeup artists were kind enough to cover that mess on your face. Good luck with your scene, straggot.”.

With another grin, Jimin saunters off, sitting on a chair that has his own name bedazzled on the back in pink rhinestones.

He looks exactly like every female antagonist in high school movies, Jungkook thinks.

“Jungkook, stop scowling, there’s cameras everywhere.”. Hoseok reminds him with a sigh.

The director and him have been friends for years, so Hoseok knows perfectly well that Jimin hates him, which is why Jungkook is so annoyed at him right now.

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”.

“It’s Jimin’s scene right now, but you guys are having your one in roughly half an hour. Do you have your lines memorized?”.

“Mhm. I know them all.”.

“Good. Don’t do anything stupid.”.

Yes, I know.”.

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