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not the best chapter but yUh get it ig 😩😩 i literally just pulled this our of my ass last minute don't mind the shit ass writing


Seo-yun throws the doors open, and promptly, everyone stands up from their seats, only sitting down once their leader has made himself comfortable on his own chair at the head of the table.

"I'm going to cut to the chase. Are you guys fucking stupid?".

Nobody responds, hoping that he's not speaking to their regime, heads bowed as he stares them down.

"Raven, you were in charge of killing Ryu Jun-woo. What the fuck went wrong?".

One of the men at the back raises his head slowly, fear glimmering in his dark, beady eyes.

"Nothing, sir. The only problem was... that kid.".

"So he's dead?".

"Yes, sir.".

"And the kid?".

"I don't know, sir.".

Jae-yoon, who's on Seo-yun's right, nudges him lightly.

"I took care of him. He's in the guest room.".

"My guest room?".

"Yes. He might be a witness, but I think he could be useful.".

Seo-yun raises an eyebrow, leaning back in his seat.


"He shut up once I told him what's going on and why he's here. But he's not dumb, I can tell. And a pretty boy can get away with more than most of our soldiers. In the worst case, we use him as bait.".

"What about his family? Could we use them as leverage against him?".

"He's an orphan. No siblings, no family of his own, nothing. We found his socials, he seems, well, flamboyant. Not an easy target, that's for sure.".

"So there's nothing we could use to get him to shut up. I'm guessing?".

"Honestly? Money. He's not rich, he lives in a shitty apartment and spends most of his money on school. No support from his parents, of course.".

"Mhm. Then-".

"With all due respect.". Namjoon's character, Park Han-gyeol says, picking at his knife lazily. "Why don't we just kill the kid? Makes it a lot easier for us.".

Seo-yun raises an eyebrow.

"Han, are you actually stupid?".


"The police. They'll come looking for him, fucking hell. We can't tell him that we'll kill him if he snitches, because he could ask the government for witness protection.".

"Stage something, make it look like suicide. The kid's broke and gay, how much would the governmemt even care?".

Seo-yun looks unimpressed, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"But would we really want to kill a pretty face like his?".


"So.". Yu-jun starts, a glint in his eyes as he looks up at the taller male. "This is a mafia.".

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