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On Saturday, since the episode is featuring the side ship between Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon's character, the two idols who are having their acting debut, both Jimin and Jungkook have their free day.

Usually, Jimin would go cheer on Seokjin, maybe get his friend Taehyung to come too, but he knows that firstly, Jungkook is close with Taehyung, they go clubbing together every weekend, and secondly, Jungkook is best friends with Namjoon and the director's friend (whom Jimin is starting to suspect is a little more than a friend), Min Yoongi. And since both Namjoon and Yoongi are there, it's a given Jungkook will be, too.

Which is why he doesnt complain at all when his manager asks him to go to the company instead of watching the filming.

"Sit down.". Jimin's manager tells him, opening the door to his office, and Jimin frowns.

"What's this about?".

"The show and your co-workers. Jungkook should be here in a minute.".

"What?! I don't want him here!".

"Jimin, get your shit together. We need to talk.".

"I literally didn't do anything!".

"Not yet you didn't. Just, please, stay quiet.".

Jimin huffs, crossing his arms as he sits down on one of the black leather chairs, pushing his sunglasses up.


Only a few minutes later, the door swings in and a sullen Jungkook alks in, followed by his manager.

"Sit down.". Jimin's manager tells him, and Jungkook sighs, but obliges, crossing his arms as he sits on the chair across from Jimin.

"Okay, what the fuck is this even about?". Jimin asks.

"Director Jung, your manager and the makeup artist both told me that you've been fighting.". Jungkook's manager responds.

"Oh my God.". Jungkook groans. "I thought I told you-".

"Nope. I don't want you to start more drama just because both of you are too childish to stay in a room together and act like you don't hate each other.".

"But-". Jmin interrupts, and he fixes him with a hard stare.

"Not now, Mr. Park. Me and Mr. Seo spoke about it, and judging by how the situation is looking, we can't force you two to act-".

"Finally.". Jungkook sighs.

"I'm not done, Jungkook. Neither of you are cooperating, so it looks like we're going to have to force you two to become friends.".

Both Jimin and Jungkook pause, jaws dropping open until they both start yelling at the same time.

"What?!". Jimin shouts. "How the fuck do you even expect to do that?!".

"I'd rather chop off my own dick than be friends with him!". Jungkook yells.

"The feeling's mutual, bitch, but I don't think you'll be having a lot to cut off.". Jmin shoots back.

"Says you, you cringy wannabe-".

"Both, of you, stop.". Mr. Seo interrupts, and Jimin glares in return. "We've already scheduled it. I want at least one mandatory house visit or friendly coffee shop date, a sweet behind-the-scenes or a picture of the two of you on social media. Both of you can hate each other as much as you want in private, write mean poems and complain about each other in your diary, but the second there's cameras I want you to act like the sun shines out of his fucking dick, got it?".

"That's not-".

"Look, I know it's fucked up, but it's the industry. I thought you'd be able to handle it on your own, but I guess not. We want this show to be successful, and you're not helping much, other than your star status and acting.".

Jungkook's manager nods.

"Thank you. As celebrities, both of you have responsibilities. You chose this life, so just act like you love each other and make your fans happy, okay?".

"This is why I hate fanservice.". Jimin mutters.

"Yes, yes, and you have a common enemy now. There's cameras outside of the company, so both of you are going to grab a drink from the cafeteria and pretend the only reason Jungkook came here to visit you was because you're besties for life and can't go a day without seeing each other, okay?".

"Don't you think that's a bit a lot?". Jungkook asks.

"The public will believe anything, especially if it's something they want to believe. So, smile for the cameras and act as if you're having the time of your life together, got it?".

Both Jimin and Jungkook groan at the same time, but nod.

"Got it.". Jimin says through gritted teeth.

"Go it.". Jungkook says with a sigh, closing his eyes.

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