Chapter 3

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Hi again, what did you guys think of the previous chapter? Is the writing ok? Anyway I have a pretty good idea about how this story will go but I'm not sure about the details yet, hope you enjoy.


Luckily the rest of the school day went on without any Akumatizations and Marinette was grateful even if that meant that the hours would drag on more slowly. Finally the last bell rang and the class made their way towards the main exit of the school. Alya quickly gave an encouraging smile and thumbs up and proceeded to call her boyfriend to her side, to get him away from his best friend.

Marinette silently thanked her and made her way towards the blond. "H-hey Adrien" she stuttered lightly. "Hey Mari, what's up?" he asked in his usual kind demeanor. She shyly smiled and took the carefully rapped present out of her bag "Well seen as it's your birthday I-I made you a present". She handed the gift over to the boy who gladly excepted it "Wow thanks Marinette, you really didn't have to". She blushed and looked at the ground, this was the moment, she had to tell him. "Actually I also wanted to tell you that I-" but of course Marinette wasn't able to finish her sentence as a brown haired girl jumped into Adrien's arms "Adrien happy birthday!" she yelled in a high pitched voice. Adrien awkwardly freed himself from the girl's embrace "Thanks Lila".

She shoved Marinette to the side and placed herself in front of the blond "I'm so sorry I didn't bring you a present, I left it on the airplane when I came back from the Caribbeans last night, I was so tired after all that talking with Prince Ali" she said as she flipped her hair back with a flick of the hand, just the way that made Marinette become red with rage.

It was no secret that the bluenette hated Lila Rossi, some people thought that it was only because she was jealous of her amazing stories, but it was actually because of Marinette's secret identity and the  lies Lila had told about her and Ladybug's presumed "friendship". Marinette knew for a fact that she was a liar, and she hated liars.

"Sorry Lila but I was actually talking to Marinette, maybe we could talk tomorrow?" suggested Adrien, he too knew that she was a liar, but he dealt with her in a less forward way compared to Marinette. The bluenette quickly tried to regain control of her emotions, Adrien was her friend and he wasn't gullible. "Oh I'm so sorry Marinette I really didn't see you, but what could you possibly have to say to Adrien that sounds so important?" as the brunette faced the girl, Marinette noticed an evil glint in her eyes.

She sighed, confessing to Adrien was already hard as it was, doing it with Lila there would be impossible "Never mind Adrien, see you tomorrow" she gave him a weak smile and headed down the stairs of the school without waiting for an answer. As much as Adrien wanted to talk to Marinette he was stopped by the honk of a car, the Gorilla had just arrived to pick him up.    

She made her way to the bakery, head held low, she had chickened out yet again. The bell chimed as she opened the door of the shop "Hey honey, how was school?" asked her father who was behind the counter. "Fine" she mumbled and made her way to the apartment. "Marinette are you ok?" Tom called after her as she climbed up the stairs. As much as her relationship with her parents was
great and she knew she could tell them anything she just didn't have to energy today so she nodded and went to her room.

As soon as she entered her bedroom she closed the door behind her and flung herself on her bed. She really thought that today would be different, and because of Lila it was just another embarrassment. Tikki flew out of the girl's bag and landed beside her owner "Come on Marinette, it wasn't that bad, you didn't stutter one bit!" she chirped, the Kwami always tried to keep her owner as positive as possible.

In response to Tikki the girl just threw her face into her pillow and just mumble something about how hopeless she was. The Kwami shook her head "Tomorrow is a new day and you might be able to tell him then" Marinette at this shot up "That's the problem Tikki, it's always tomorrow I'll tell him, tomorrow's the day, and it never is!". The girl sighed and laid back down on the bed "I'm just gonna take a nap" the Kwami nodded and gave her owner a kiss on the forehead as she made her way under the sheets and fell asleep.


"Kid it's probably no big deal, no need to be dramatic" said Plagg as he munched on his cheese. Adrien was pacing up and down his room. For some reason he couldn't get Marinette out of his head all afternoon, she looked so defeated after she had given him his gift. He had opened it as soon as he had arrived home, it was the black jacket he had seen Marinette make in her room the night before, it had a mandarin collar, cuffs exactly like his suit and delicately done piping. He traced his fingers over the hems that he had seen Marinette sow the night before absentmindedly. Adrien immediately loved it, it was incredibly soft and fitted him like a glove.

Especially after this amazing present the boy wanted to make sure that Marinette was alright and was curious to what she wanted to tell him that seemed so important. He had really come to care for Marinette, thanks to his frequent visits as Chat Noir, and seeing her even a little upset worried Adrien

The boy thought it over, she had tried to talk to him at school but Lila had interrupted her, actually any time they tried to talk to each other something would stop them. Luckily Adrien could use his usual trick. "Come on Plagg, time for a visit".

The girl was still asleep when a certain cat knocked on her trap door from the balcony. She stirred in her sleep "What" she grumbled. "Marinette it's Chat, open up" she heard her partner's muffled voice through the door. As much she loved her best friend she hated being woken up. She mumbled a complaint towards him as she made her way to the window and opened it.

Chat Noir hopped inside "Isn't it a little early to be sleeping Purrncess?". Marinette rubbed her eyes "What time is it" she asked while half yawning. "About seven o'clock" the girl groaned, she hadn't even started her homework. Chat laughed and landed on her bed "Mari are you okay? It looks like you've had a rough day".

She shook her head "Today I-I wanted to talk to someone about something important , but i didn't get the chance, again" Marinette decided to not mention Adrien, Chat would probably think she liked him only because he was a model, and she wasn't in the mood to explain why he was such an amazing person, which was quite odd for Marinette, she usually loved talking about him. In fact since his first visit she had hid all of Adrien's posters she had on her wall, she told Tikki it was for embarrassment but something seemed off.

"Oh come on I'm sure you'll get your chance, and I'm sure that when you eventually tell them, it's gonna be okay" he smiled, not his usually smirk or grin he used when he was flirting with Ladybug, but a sincere sweet smile.

"How are you so sure about that?" she asked, chuckling drily, she really didn't understand why she felt so inconsolable over such a little thing, but she hated the feeling. "Marinette" he said, his voice softer than usual. He lifted her chin with the edge of his finger so that they were looking each other in the eyes, his expression understanding "You are one of the greatest people I have ever met, you always help others, sometimes even before yourself. You are kind, caring, creative and just the best anyone could ever ask for, anything you have to say is worth listening to, no doubt".

Marinette could feel herself blush and her mind started racing. She had never seen Chat like this, he was usually a flirt to Ladybug and a buddy for Marinette, he had never complimented her so sweetly, and definitely not her civilian form. But, however out of character Chat's words may have seemed, something had unconsciously clicked for Marinette regarding his character. "T-Thank you Chaton" she whispered.

He smiled "It's just the truth Princess". Marinette grinned awkwardly trying to cover her read cheeks with her hands. Luckily her partner didn't notice, he never did, "So, shall we play Ultimate Mega Strike?". All she could do was nod

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