Chapter 12

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Hello again, how is the story going? should I change something? Thank you to those who are commenting and suggesting


"Do you think it's possible Plagg" asked a sleep deprived Adrien to his Kwami as soon as he was dropped off in front of school, careful that nobody could see or hear him talking into his shirt.

The night before he had quietly made his way out as he had to get back home in the morning, but he was barely able to sleep, not after what he had seen.

"Listen kid it could just be a coincidence, don't sweat it" answered Plagg. Of course he knew that Adrien was right but if he were to eventually find out her secret identity, Plagg wasn't the one he should hear it from.

"Weren't you the one that said that the necklace was matching with Ladybug?" he asked, eyebrow raised. Plagg panicked, he hadn't dropped it all night "I say a lot of things, most of them are right but sometimes even I can make mistakes". Adrien just rolled his eyes and headed towards the school, he finally gave up

As he made his way inside the classroom Nino greeted him "Hey dude, are you ready?" he asked as he nudged him in the ribs. "Wait ready for what?" asked the blond, clearly distracted "Adrien the plan to get you and Marinette together, the one I told you about yesterday? Are you good?".

"Oh yeah sorry just a little tired" he smiled and scratched the back of his neck nervously "Anyway are you sure it'll work?" he asked. The plan was pretty clever, but Marinette was with Chat. "Don't worry dude, I'm a mastermind" then he cleared his throat "Plus it was Alya's plan and she's always right, for some reason she dropped it but I think it will work".

The two boys arrived in class just in time for the lesson to start. "Good morning class, as you all know today we will be doing the report on 'The bell jar' in pairs, have you all decided on your partner?" murmurs between classmates erupted.

Marinette turned around towards her desk mate "Hey Alya wanna-" but before she could finish Nino interrupted her "Actually me and Alya are gonna work together cause um we read it together so it would only be fair to do it with her" he nudged Adrien "But I'm sure you will find a partner, what about Adrien?". But before Marinette could answer the blond asked "Wanna do the report with me?".

Adrien was more than happy to spend time with his girlfriend, even if she didn't know, but he had mostly agreed to Nino's plan to see if his suspicion made any sense. He didn't want to unmask Ladybug, just confirm that her necklace had nothing to do with his.

Marinette smiled and accepted. "Okay class, as soon as you've found your partner go to the library and start the report, you must bring it back to class in one hour" called Miss Bustier as the students made their way to the library.


As Marinette was typing Adrien caught the perfect moment to ask her, as the necklace had finally slipped out of her shirt "Hey Mari what's that necklace you've got there, I've never seen it". Marinette stopped typing and froze, she had to answer quickly and it had to make sense.

"Well um my b-boyfriend got it for me" she stuttered, it wasn't weird for a boyfriend to get a necklace for his girlfriend right? Marinette just hoped he wouldn't enquire more about him.

"Oh? Is it Luka?" well this very much didn't clear up his suspicions, maybe it was from an ex? But still it was odd. "No no, you don't know him" she blurted out and smiled awkwardly. If not for the suspicious situation the blond would have laughed at the irony. He decided to drop it for the time being, he didn't want to push her too much.

"Okay so now we only need to add our personal views and we're done" said Marinette. Adrien smiled weakly and started typing, his lack of sleep was really catching up to him. After a few minutes he gave back the laptop to the girl and yawned "All done Princess".

Marinette became red "What did you call me?". Suddenly he felt something bite him from his shirt pocket "Oh um I said 'All done Mari'".

Marinette took the computer back and as she typed her mind wandered off. He was yawning, maybe I just didn't hear him, I must really miss Chat. Yeah there is no way it's him, we used Adrien as bait once, I might be just going crazy.

She looked at him sideways and raised an eyebrow, as if trying to picture him as Chat Come on Marinette, now is not the time, you'll talk to Chat later.

Silence settled between them as they went to print the report, the conclusion to Nino's plan was that now the two teens were suspicious of each other.


"So? How did it go?" asked Alya as she and Marinette made their way out of school. Her voice broke through the girl's thoughts "Oh yeah it was fine" she mumbled.

Her best friend laughed "I'm sorry for Nino, but he doesn't know you're with Chat, I must have rubbed off him a little too much". Marinette didn't even seem to hear what she was saying.

He called me Princess, I'm not deaf, I heard that. I can't tell Alya, It's not my job to reveal his identity. It might not even be him. Ugh this is so frustrating and confusing, but it can't be him, it's probably not-

"Girl are you even listening?" asked Alya, her eyebrow raised. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired you know?" her best friend nodded in understanding.

As they bid each other goodbye and went their respective ways two boys were still in front of the school "Did you make a move dude?" asked Nino as they ascended the steps. Adrien tried to contain his laughter "Yeah I think she might like me back".

Nino stopped on his tracks "Wait so you're saying my plan actually worked?". Adrien grinned "We'll see"

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