Chapter 11

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It's finals week, I've said everything I need to.


"And I don't know we kinda just kissed and that was that" finished Marinette as they made their way out of school. Her best friend had been assaulting her the whole day to hear details about Chat Noir. "Wait who kissed who?" butted in Nino accompanied by Adrien. Both girl became red "Oh! um Marinette just kissed a guy yesterday yeah" answered quickly Alya.

Adrien grinned, to everyone's surprise "And who is the lucky guy?" Marinette became even more red "Umm he is I-" "LUKA" exclaimed Alya and grinned weakly. Adrien seemed slightly hurt but not surprised.

"Well um congratulations Mari but me and my man need to go, see you tomorrow girls"said Nino but before leaving he gave Alya a light kiss on the cheek.

As they made their way down the stairs of the school Nino put his arm around the blond's shoulders "Hey dude I get it, you're jealous, but I'm sure that if-" but Adrien looked at him confused "Wait why should I be jealous". Nino face palmed himself "Because she kissed Luka?".

Adrien chuckled internally, the fact that the first person that came to mind was Luka had hurt him a little bit, considering their history, but they for sure could not tell people she had kissed Chat Noir, already the fact that Marinette had told Alya was dangerous but understandable.

"Oh-oh yes very very hurt indeed" Adrien acted the part. "How can I win her back Nino?" asked the boy, he might as well have fun.


Marinette had spent the rest of the afternoon finishing her homework, on which she couldn't seem to concentrate on. "Couldn't I get an 'I'm Ladybug' pass? I must have saved all of them at least 100 times, what's a little less homework in exchange?" she complained.

"Come on Marinette you're almost finished!" encouraged Tikki, by her side as always. The girl smiled and petted her Kwami as she finished up her last math exercises.

Just as she was putting her books away she heard the familiar knock on her trap window. "Come in" she chirped, careful though not to wake her parents downstairs. The feline hero slipped in the girl's room. "Good evening Puurincess, the highlight of your day has just arrived" he said proudly.

Marinette rolled her eyes "You're more cocky than usual, what's on your mind?". Chat smirked "I may have fur-midable surprise for you tonight".

She smiled, being with Chat, even if it was rather recent, had been the happiest time of her life. She had someone to relate to about the superhero life, even if he didn't know. The fact that she knew him in real life did kinda scare her, but she knew that whoever he was, he was a good person. He was one of the people she trusted more in the world, she felt so safe and comfortable around him. A part of her though felt the guilt about hiding the truth from him, but she knew it was for the great or good, right?

"Well then I'm all yours Kitty, what's the surprise" Chat approached the girl and kissed her forehead as he whispered "Do you trust me Mari?". She nodded, looking into his familiar emerald green eyes "Then close your eyes and get ready" he announced as he suddenly picked her up bridal style and hopped onto the balcony. Marinette obeyed and closed her eyes, holding on tightly to the boy as the cool night air caressed her face. "You better not drop me Chat" she said as she felt him jump from roof to roof "I'll think about it Princess"

After about ten minutes she felt the hero come to a stop "We're here, you can open your eyes" whispered the boy as he gently let go of Marinette. As soon as she felt her feet touch the ground she opened her eyes, and she was breathless. They were on the very top platform of the Tour Eiffel, the Paris lights shining all around them. At her feet was a plaided blanket with on top two pizza boxes and a few fizzy drinks. On the sides of the picnic many small candles lighting up the area. "Chat.." she turned around to face him, speechless.

Before she could say anything else he handed her a red rose "Marinette" he smiled at her, the moon shining in her eyes "it has took me so long to realize who you are for me, you're so much more than a friend and I want it to be clear" his cheeks were flushed but his tone was steady and secure "Will you be my girlfriend?".

She was speechless, his eyes reflected the light around them. He held a shaky smile, probably because of the tension in awaiting her answer. She smiled.

"You're even asking?" she whispered before she gently kissed him on the lips. As soon as they touched it was like electricity was released between them, it was natural, right and it fitted perfectly, they fitted perfectly.


"Thank you for the dinner Kitty" she said as they made their way back into the girl's room. It was 3am, they had talked for hours on the platform. They talked about Chat's battles, that Marinette obviously knew all about but pretended she didn't, even if sometimes Chat tended to boost his actions a little too much compared to what he had actually done in battle, but of course she let it slide. And in exchange Marinette talked about her school life, which again Chat already knew about but pretended not to.

"It was a pleasure Puurincess, but un-fur-tunatly I must get going" he yawned and tiredly made his was towards the stairs that brought to the balcony.

"Wait Chat" exclaimed Marinette a little too loud than she was supposed to while grabbing his arm. He turned to her and raised an eyebrow "You look tired, what if, I-I mean if you're comfortable with it, what if you slept here?" she could feel her cheeks becoming red, but she was being honest, she knew how reckless he was and he really did look exhausted.

Chat smirked at her "Princess you don't mean you-" but Marinette jumped to cover his mouth before he could finish "Stupid cat" she mumbled "I just want you to be safe". He laughed and caressed her now extremely red cheeks "I know, I'm just teasing Mari".

She rolled her eyes at him "Come on then, let's get ready for bed"


Marinette had fallen asleep immediately, her head on Chat's chest. But he couldn't sleep, she looked so beautiful and peaceful. He had been so nervous over the surprise he had planned for her, his experience had not been very positive with rooftop picnics, but the look in her eyes when he had showed her the surprise had melted his heart. How had he not realized his feelings for her sooner?

Suddenly she lightly stirred in her sleep. "It's okay Mari, I'm here" he whispered as he caressed the locks of her hair away from her face.

As he did this he noticed a string around her neck that he had never seen in class, Marinette never wore jewelry apart from her earrings, she must have been hiding this necklace. He gently picked up the string and looked for it's charm.

He laid it in the palm of his hand, it was a red tear with a hole in it, Chat frowned, it looked so familiar. Then it hit him, too familiar.

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