Chapter 8

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Just opened tumblr and found this picture, it's a sign.
I just want to curl up and fall asleep but I have lessons soon so yeah. Idk why I like to tell random people random facts about what's going on in my life but whatever. Enjoy


The cold air swept Marinette's hair out of her face "He's not coming is he?" she whispered to her Kwami. Tikki was usually very positive but there wasn't much to say now.

It was 1am, the girl was curled up in one of her chairs on the balcony, a blanket covering her shoulders, courtesy of Tikki.

"Oh Tikki I ruined it, we had a great friendship and I just had to get stupid feelings in the way" she said while covering her face with her hands.

"But Marinette he was the one who confessed first" Tikki pointed out, even if she hadn't been able to see the scene seen as she ha to hide, she had heard everything.

"No no, he didn't actually say anything, he just said that he was scared that he wouldn't be able to tell me how he felt, he probably just meant that in a friendly way. And he ran as soon as we kissed!" she exclaimed exasperated.

Even though she hated admitting it, her friendship with Chat meant the world, if he didn't want to go beyond that she would happily keep her new found feelings to herself, but it looked like he never wanted to see her again.

"Marinette he asked if he could come back, he wouldn't have done that if he didn't want to come back, something must have come up" said her Kwami, Chat wasn't the type to change his mind and ghost someone out of the blue and Marinette knew, she was just overthinking.

The girl nodded "I hope you're right Tikki" she gave her Kwamy a light kiss on the top of her bed and went back into her room


Adrien made his way to his father's study, Nathalie close behind him. He pushed the tall black and silver door open and entered the room.

"Father?" he said timidly. Gabriel Agreste, arms behind his back like an old fashioned strict teacher, was observing intently the painting he so deeply loved of his late wife. Her triangular face was surrounded by shining gold that brought out the emerald in her eyes that she had passed down to her son.

As if woken up from a dream from the voice behind him he turned and faced the boy, his body towering over him. "Adrien" he started in his normal cold and distant voice "I have been informed that today you didn't pay attention in class".

Adrien's body tensed "Yes, I-I was distracted but-" Gabriel raised a hand to stop him. "We do not accept excuses in this household Adrien, you are to study with Nathalie tonight to not find yourself behind in class, it's not like you have anything else to do tonight" the father lowered his hand and went to his table. "You will not embarrass me like that again" he said as Adrien, speechless, was being escorted out of the room by his secretary.


"And what does the Law of Equal Segregation say?" asked Nathalie. Adrien sighed "It states that during gamete formation, the two alleles at a gene locus segregate from each other; each gamete has an equal probability of containing either allele" Nathalie nodded. It was extremely late, him and his father's assistant had stayed up many hours re-studying the science program of the school year.

"Very well Adrien, we are done" she said as she typed a few things on her tablet and made her way out without saying another word. The boy collapsed on the bed, he was mentally and physically drained. The only thing still active in his body was the rage that he felt towards his father.

He had never taken a real interest in what his son did but the only time that Adrien went wrong he immediately cared, and not in a good way. Most parents would have probably tried to talk to their kid, to see if they had something important on their mind, but his father hadn't cared in the slightest. He only cared about his reputation.

"Hey Kid" said Plagg in a low, sweet voice. Even though he would never admit it, it hurt the Kwami seeing his owner get treated like this from his own father. At least his powers gave him some freedom, but his own home was such a cold environment. Adrien didn't answer but Plagg continued "Listen I know it's hard, but maybe that's just how he shows his love?" he attempted.

Adrien sat up "That's what I used to say, but the little things like this are killing me. At this point i'm not even sure if he actually does love me" anger filling his voice. The boy sighed "And now because of him i hurt Marinette, that's why i'm mad Plagg, he can do whatever he wants with me, he has been doing it for years. But now that Marinette is in the picture, at least I hope she is, it's not okay anymore"

Plagg nodded, it was so odd seeing the boy angry, he noticed that he had gotten mad only one other time, and even then it was to protect Marinette from Lila Rossi, a lying manipulator that was in their class.

"Plagg claws out" he said, rage in his voice "I hope Marinette is still awake". He opened the window and jumped into the night.

He welcomed the feeling of freedom as he jumped and ran on the Parisian rooftops. Moments like this made him grateful for the opportunity of becoming Chat Noir. It gave him liberty from his home and he felt as if he could build a name for him outside his father's shadow, no need to keep his reputation safe by being perfect. He could be whoever he wanted to be.

Soon enough he arrived at Marinette's, but he wasn't surprised to see that the lights were off. He sighed and landed on the balcony. There was a blanket on the floor next to the chair, she must have waited for him. Guilt filled his stomach as he sat down crossed legged on the floor

"I'm sorry Mari" he whispered to the wind "I was really looking forward to see you, like I always do" he chuckled "You're really important to me Marinette, you deserve the world, I want to give you the world, but now I'm just making you suffer".

He got back up and sighed "See you tomorrow at school" and extended his baton.

Slowly the trap window opened and Marinette peered her head outside to make sure Chat was gone. "Tikki I don't think I was supposed to hear that" she whispered to her Kwami as she made her way to pick up the blanket, the reason she had eavesdropped by accident.

See you you tomorrow at school

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