Chapter 19

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I honestly love the importance and significance of the rain in the MLB universe.

Anyway please point out any typos or something, I re read the chapters many times but I might miss a few things

For some reason wattpad won't let me change the font on this chapter??


The two heroes finally parted ways late into the afternoon . The icy rain had not stopped coming down, but Marinette, now detransformed, didn't mind. She liked walking in the rain, it gave her time to think, even if a certain black umbrella was always appreciated.

Tikki made her way in her shirt and looked up at her owner with her bluebell eyes "Marinette is everything okay?". She absentmindedly nodded "I just need to think about the last things I have to do before the plan". The Kwami chose not to question her further, sometimes human emotions were so complicated.

After a long walk the door of the bakery chimed, signaling to her parents that she had arrived. "Oh honey why didn't you bring an umbrella? You're all wet" fussed Sabine as soon as she saw her daughter. "Don't worry Mom, I didn't mind" she said in a distant tone.

Sabine didn't seem to hear her as she insisted for her daughter to go take a shower before dinner. As she mentioned the meal her stomach loudly grumbled, only now reminding her of the lunch she had skipped.

Two hours later the family was sitting at their small table in the living room. "Marinette are you okay?" asked Tom as he noticed that his daughter had just picked at her food without eating much of it. "Oh yeah just thinking" she mumbled and proceeded in finishing her food to not worry them.

As she ate she observed her parents. She had never realized how lucky she was to have a family like she had. They were always available if Marinette needed their help, from when she was ten and her mother had helped her fix her science project after the bluenette had tripped and damaged it, to when her father would make her his famous macaroons for every first day of school to give to her class. They also thought Marinette how beautiful love could be and how beautiful it could make your life, like the many time they had told her about how they had met or the way her father had proposed, it was just normal for her at this point. But not everyone was lucky enough to end up with their soulmate so easily, that she knew from personal experience.

"I'm gonna go to bed early tonight, I'm kind of tired" she said as she brought her plate to the sink, fake yawning. "Of course dear, goodnight" said Sabine with her usual sweet smile, but before heading upstairs the girl turned around "Mom, Dad, I love you so much".

They both smiled, a little confused but happy "We love you too Sweetie" said Tom, his hands resting on his wife's shoulders. Marinette smiled bitterly and headed upstairs. She locked her door and climbed up her balcony and waited for him patiently.


Chat Noir carefully made his way back to the school, making sure not to get wet. He swung himself in the locker room and detransformed.

"I'm really getting sick of your grand gestures Kid" complained Plagg as he munched on his usual cheese. Adrien rolled his eyes and picked up his gym bag "Don't worry, as soon as we defeat Hawkmoth you can eat as much cheese as you like whenever you want". As the boy started to head out of the room his Kwami stopped him by flying in front of him.

"Um Adrien can I ask you something?" he asked embarrassed. The blond, confused and worried by his Kwami's unusual seriousness answered "Sure Plagg". The black creature shifted in the air as if uncomfortable "Well, when we defeat him, will we still be, you know, friends?". The blond smiled at the creature's sweet side which he so rarely showed "Plagg you're more than my Kwami, i'd never abandon a friend" he said as he took him in his palm "Plus my girlfriend happens to be the Guardian, I doubt she would force us apart".

The boy ascended the steps in front of the school and immediately spotted the car waiting for him. It had stopped raining, and before getting in the car he looked towards her balcony, knowing that soon she would be waiting for him there.


"Thank you" he said as he climbed out of the vehicle and entered the mansion. Nathalie as usual was waiting for him, ready to inform him about his schedule, but before she could say anything Adrien stopped her "Nathalie could you please ask my father to join me for dinner tonight? I would really appreciate it". He hadn't eaten with his father in months, always being too busy to even talk to him. Adrien figure that seen as he didn't know what the future held in store for him after tomorrow, he might as well try.

The assistant looked slightly taken aback my his eagerness but quickly recomposed herself and nodded. She proceeded to walk away towards the office as Adrien made his way to his bedroom.


A faint knock was heard from inside the room as the assistant entered. Gabriel Agreste, with the usual stern demeanor, was working on his laptop before being interrupted by the woman. "Yes?" he asked flatly without peeling his eyes off the screen. "Adrien has requested to eat with you tonight Mr. Agreste, what should I tell him?" she said.

The man scoffed "I am busy Nathalie, the mere fact that you have interrupted me is a problem, I cannot have dinner with him". The assistant faced the floor and fixed her glasses before answering "Sir it seemed important". For the first time the man looked at her, his eyes cold and piercing "I said I am not available, if he is not mature enough to understand and appreciate all I do for him then that is his problem, now leave".

And like that Adrien ended up having his usual dinner alone, he had left Plagg in his room, thinking that his father would be there with him. He couldn't blame him for not understanding the situation, but he had learnt from his friends, especially Marinette, that it wasn't normal. And it wasn't okay.

He threw his fork across the room in rage. It hit the wall making no sound, not a soul would notice. He curled his fingers in his hair, elbows on the table. "I miss you Mom" he whispered to no one, tears blurring up the view of his half empty plate.

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