Chapter 14

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I'm in zoom class and one of my classmates kept their microphone on by accident and they were saying swear words and "bestemmie" (it's like an italian swear word thing) so that's fun.


"I still don't know how to feel about this" she whispered to Tikki as she climbed up to bed. Chat had left shortly after the revelation, they hadn't said much about how they wanted to treat their relationship and this worried Marinette.

"Well are you happy?" asked the Kwami and the girl smile "How could i not be? The boy I've been in love with for so long is the same boy who has been by my side saving Paris. Plus I've fallen for both of them, we are basically soulmates" she exclaimed as she dropped on her bed.

Tikki smiled "So it's perfect" she concluded, but Marinette shook her head "It's too perfect Tikki, should we start a relationship immediately as civilians or as superheroes? We can't date at the same exact time or people might get suspicious, ugh it's so complicated" she said as she covered her eyes with her palms in frustration.

"And Alya oh god she definitely can't know" she groaned. Tikki just sighed, she was always overthinking everything, even simple and positive things like her relationship with the boy. "You could just talk to him in the morning" attempted the Kwami.

This proposition seemed to calm Marinette down a little, it was just like any other day in battle at this point, they were a team, they could do it.


That morning Marinette stomped down from her room, her Ladybug persona taking over, everyone was the enemy. Did Tikki think she was going slightly crazy? Yes, but if Marinette felt safe reacting like this then maybe it was the best way.

"Good morning honey, you're early today" greeted Sabine as her daughter entered the kitchen. She took a croissant that was waiting for her on the table and gave a quick kiss on the cheek to her mother "Sorry Mom but today I need to be totally concentrated" and rushed downstairs.

Sabine was left confused but not surprised, it wasn't the first time she had seen this determination that totally distracted her from the rest of the world. She just shrugged and hoped she was up to good.

"Have a nice day-" said Tom with his usual smile on his face as his daughter bolted downstairs into the bakery. "Bye Dad!" she interrupted as the bell chimed signaling her running out of the door.

As soon as she was outside she saw the familiar car drop off the blond boy. She quickly crossed the street and called out "Agreste!" he look towards her, startled, she had never called him like that.

"All okay Princess?" he asked as she got closer. She took him by the arm and dragged him in the school "That's exactly what I wanted to talk about". He was surprised by the fact that he hadn't recognized her before, the sheer stubbornness and confidence that she radiated in this moment was identical to the one of the  superheroine.

As soon as she dragged him to a secluded area of the library she let go "We have to make a plan". The boy looked at her perplexed "A plan?" he repeated. "Yes, a plan. Alya knows that I was with Chat Noir and so randomly getting together with you is out of the question, the two options remaining are Marinette and Chat because it's not like we are gonna go out in the open like that or Ladybug and Chat so-" but she was interrupted by Adrien placing his hands on her shoulders in a comforting manner.

"Marinette if this stresses you out so much we could wait before we make it 'pubblic' okay? I just want you to be happy and serene, and if staying on the low is what you want then we can just pretend to be friends" he said in a sweet voice as he looked the bluenette in the eyes.

After thinking over what he had said she finally relaxed. Now they fully understood each other and even if he clearly wasn't worried about the consequences of their relationship he listened and reassured her. She smiled and went into his arms "Thank you Chaton" she whispered as he caressed her hair.

He smiled "May I sneak a kiss M'lady? No one's around". She rolled her eyes and got on her tiptoes to reach his lips and gave him a gentle peck "I love you" she said quietly.


"Girl where were you? Don't tell me you were early cause I won't believe you" questioned Alya as she sat down next to her best friend.

"Oh um I- me and Adrien were-" she started stuttering, but luckily Adrien intervened "Miss Bustier asked us to come early because part of the report for the book was damaged by the printer, we just had to bring the file and re print it" he said cooly.

Alya seem to buy it without any hesitation but raised an eye brown towards the bluenette. As soon as Adrien turned around to greet Nino she basically jumped in Marinette's lap "Sooo all alone in the library, how romantic" she batted her eyes sarcastically .

Marinette pushed her away "Alya you know I have a boyfriend" the brunette rolled her eyes "But Adrien doesn't know so it wouldn't stop him from making a move" how ironic. Nino who had just sat down overheard the conversation and turned around "Wait Mari you have a boyfriend?" the girl became instantly red. Nino looked over to Adrien expecting him to be broken hearted, but instead he grinned.

The bluenette looked over to Adrien for help, but he had other intentions "Come on Mari tell us about this boyfriend of yours" he teased. In that moment she stared into the boy's soul, he was definitely not going to survive the day. "I actually don't know if he is going to be my boyfriend for very long though, he is starting to be a real pain" she said through gritted teeth.

Alya looked at her confused "Wait what?". Luckily in that moment the teacher walked in, Adrien snickered as he turned around.

The Lucky and the Unluckyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें