Chapter 18

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How is the story going?? Thank you to those who are commenting it means the world and the story I wrote before just got 90k and I'm so happy


The two girls walked back towards Nino who had been talking to Adrien "Wanna have lunch with us guys?" asked Alay referring to the blonde and her best friend.

But Adrien was quick to respond "Actually me and Mari have plans. We'll see you tomorrow okay?" as he said the last sentence worry painted all the teens' expressions, besides Nino, who had no idea what was going on.

"Is it me or are you two spending a lot of time together" he asked raising an eyebrow towards the couple. Adrien grinned and was about to answer but Marinette chose to take advantage of the moment to get some long attended revenge "We are, Adrien is a really good friend, one of the best friends I've ever had actually".

On the blond's checks a red blush appeared out of embarrassment and Marinette grinned. The other two were just confused by her words and their somehow opposite reactions but decided to shrug it off. The said their goodbyes and the couple headed out of the school.

"So what's this surprise Chaton?" she asked as they ascended the steps. Adrien crossed his arms "Well I don't think you'll be seeing it if I'm only your really good friend" he retorted. Marinette scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Follow me" he said as he took her hand and brought her in a nearby alley. "Ready to transform?" he asked as Plagg zoomed out of his shirt "Adrien the miraculous can't be used for personal use" scolded Marinette, but Plagg was quick to respond "Oh come on, you're just as lame as Sugarcube, have some fun".

"Don't be rude Plagg" warned Adrien as the girl raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. In the end she gave in and freed Tikki from her bag who smacked the black Kwami. "Don't call me lame" she squeaked as Marinette giggled.

"But let's try to avoid the public, I don't want them to get panicked" agreed Marinette. A couple of minutes later Ladybug and Chat Noir were running across the Parisian rooftops.

"Is this gonna be some grand gesture kinda thing?" asked Ladybug as she followed Chat. "Are you saying you don't like my grand gestures?" asked the boy offended. She rolled her eyes and smiled "You know I love them".

After about 15 minutes Ladybug grew impatient "C'mon Chat where are we going?". He stopped on his tracks and pointed at an old building with big glass windows on it's side "In here" he answered and hopped into an open window.

"We can't just break into a random building" whispered Ladybug as she jumped after him. "Don't worry Princess, I checked the schedule and no one is here right now, plus what are they going to do, call the cops on the saviors of Paris?".

They landed silently in the middle of the room. Ladybug was confused, what did he mean by schedule? Until she looked around her. They had entered a wide room, it's walls decorated by ancient frescoes, the ceiling held crystal chandelier, fake candles placed on its holders.

A wooden stage occupied the east side of the area, it was surrounded by velvet curtains and in the center of the platform was only a black piano and it's chair. The rest of the room was filled with rows of comfortable chairs with one single large aisle in the center.

The girl was busy staring in awe at the room that she hadn't noticed that Chat had sat down in front of the piano. "I don't think you've ever heard me play" he said sweetly, bringing Ladybug back to reality.

She grinned as she hopped down on stage "Let's see if all those piano practices were just an excuse to avoid hanging out with us or not" she teased as she sat down on the wooden platform.

His gloved hands lightly caressed the keyboards and suddenly his expression lost its usual smirk and gained total concentration and seriousness. The first notes filled the silently room with silent words and thoughts, Ladybug closed her eyes to give herself up to the sweet and oddly familiar tone.

As Chat grew confident with the melody it hit her. It was their song. The song to which they danced at Chloe's party for the first time, the song that accompanied them when in New York as they had danced in the moonlight. All the ways they hopped around each other before realizing how much they meant to one another were there, in those simple notes, that Chat had wanted to play for his Lady.

She listened in awe, her mind lulled by Adrien's talent and care until the last tone resonated in the air of the old theater. As the melody died down silence filled the room, the only thing they could hear was the rain that had started to fall. Chat looked over to the girl, his eyes hungry for approval.

She silently got up and made her way over to him. His mind started to swarm with worry seeing her odd reaction, but soon enough he relaxed as she cupped his face into her hand, bringing his chin up to look him in the eyes. "You are the most amazing person I could have ever asked for to be in my life" she whispered even if they were alone "I love you and I always will".

The green in his eyes grew shiny at the sound of her words, the way she made him feel worthy of love in such an unconditional way was all he had ever wanted in life, especially after his mother had disappeared. All his life he had looked for someone like the girl in front of him, now after so long, he could say he was finally happy.

As Ladybug noticed tears rolling off his cheeks panic appeared in her expression "Adrien? Did I saw something wrong?". But he didn't answer, instead he got up and put his leathery arms around her waist and lifted her from the ground. "You could never do something wrong to me Princess" he said sweetly as he seated her on the piano and faced her, his hands on either sides of her legs, as if protecting her from falling, even if he knew she didn't need any protection.

She giggled and caressed his cheek as she leaned in to kiss him. As their lips touched they knew that all they needed was each other, tomorrow was going to be the day they freed Paris and the day they could finally not worry anymore. As long as they were together they could do anything.

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