Chapter 20

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Just watched Bo Burnham's Inside and I have no idea how to feel but it might take a while to recover mentally


She knew he would take long, but every minute that passed felt like eternity as anxiety creeped up on her. That all too familiar void had started to form in the pit of her stomach and she had unconsciously started biting her nails. Tikki had tried to calm her down but it was no use, the pressure of her responsibilities had reached an all time high.

"Hello Princess" she jumped as she hadn't expected him to come from behind. He hopped off the roof and landed next to the girl who had rapped herself up in a blanket. "You took your time" she tried to sound confident but her voice was shaky.

"I'm sorry, I had um fix a few things before I left" he said as he sat down next to her and reached out his hand, which she gladly took. "How did it go with your father?" she asked while looking at the half moon that hung over them in the sky. He smiled bitterly "It went well" he lied.

They both sat in silence, waiting. The sky was beautiful, the barely visible stars splashed the darkness, not a could in sight. "I almost forgot" interrupted the cat hero "I brought you something". With those words he pulled out a rose from behind his back. It was red, just like the first rose he had given her.

This time she gladly excepted it "Thank you Kitty" she whispered and kissed him on the cheek. "Anything for you Marinette" he said looking down on her.

"It's time" a squeaky little voice interrupted the two. They turned around to see Tikki, a resolute and anxious look an her face. Chat detransformed and smiled "Let's get this over with".

She kissed his forehead and made her way to her room with the red rose the boy had given her. She placed in a clear vase as the Kwamis swarmed around her asking her questions.

The girl climbed back up on her balcony, this time holding the round black and red box, the Kwamis following closely. Marinette smiled weakly and nodded, giving her signal for the creatures to start. They all entered and the teens were left waiting in the cool air.

The silence was full of anxious tension, this would be their last peaceful moment before the battle. "Adrien" she said suddenly, turning to face him "I know that we have been treating this moment like a dooms day but we are going to be okay and-and things, yes, they will change, but in better, right?" she said hurriedly.

He smiled and caressed her hand "I know it'll be okay, the odds are against him, you literally have the power of luck and worse case we always have Bunnix". She smiled, her worries melting momentarily away. He had the power to raise her spirits with his smile and simple words, she was incredibly grateful for him, since day one.


Finally three Kwamis exited the Miracle Box that was placed between Adrien and Marinette who were waiting anxiously. "So? Did you track her down?" asked excitedly the bluenette. Plagg, Tikki and Wayzz nodded while remaining extremely worried, which was odd, especially for the Kwami of destruction.

"Is everything okay guys?" asked Adrien worried as he read the room, "And why is Wayzz here?" added his girlfriend. "Wayzz is going to guide you to his layer, seen as me and Plagg won't be able to talk to you while transformed" answered the red creature, ignoring the boy's question.

Marinette noticed her deflection of the question, but put it aside for the moment, they had to leave as soon as possible. They both called up their  transformation as the green Kwami patiently waited. "Ready M'lady?" asked Chat Noir, looking over to the superheroine. Ladybug smirked "Of course Chaton".

The two heroes were flashes of red and black on the rooftops of the city, illuminated only by the occasional lamppost, as the moon's light covored by the thick layer of clouds in the sky. Chat Noir looked around as they went, the road looking oddly familiar. "Wayzz, where is this place?" he asked the Kwami against the wind blowing in his face, but he didn't receive an answer until the Kwami abruptly came to a stop.

"All okay Wayzz?" asked Ladybug, copying the Kwami as her partner almost threw her off the rooftop, not having noticed the creature stopping in time. "I am afraid that he has realized that we are coming" he said in his unusually worried voice "He is coming towards us"


"Goodnight Sir" his assistant's voice knocked him out of his thoughts. "Yes goodnight" he said coldly without taking his eyes off his screen. Before leaving she signed "You should get some rest Sir" and immediately exited the room, almost in fear of his answer.

The man fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and sighed. As he faced the beautiful painting of his late wife he reflected. He had been trying to defeat the two superheroes for a year now, he had come close many time, but never succeeded in taking their miraculous. Their selfishness enraged him, they didn't even know his motivation. What could be so terrible of loving his wife to death.

"Emelie, I miss you dearly" he whispered "I'm trying my best to put our family together, but I have been unsuccessful". He paused, almost fearing admitting to himself what he was about to say. "My love, I'm afraid that I must-" but before he could finish his sentence a familiar melody made its way to him from his layer above the office.

He quickly made his way into the room. Immediately he noticed Duusu singing accompanied by other voices invisible to Mr. Agreste while his other Kwami was observing with eagerness. "Nooroo what is going on?" he demanded, making the creature jump as he hadn't noticed his entrance.

"M-Master the other Kwamis are just celebrating Duusu's cycle" he whispered. "And what does that mean?!" he asked enraged while approaching the two creatures. Nooroo's eyes went to the ground in defeat as he admitted "They are tracking us Master". "Why didn't you stop this Nooroo" he said, his fists shaking in rage.  He snapped his fingers, muting the creature, without waiting for an answer.

He took a deep breath "Now, you will be able to speak again when I figure out how to use this to our advantage, it's too late to ignore this now".

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