Chapter 23

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My math exam is in like 10 days and I'm writing fanfiction eh eh kill me now


The two teens looked at each other before Adrien leapt down to check on the assistant. She was barely breathing, the Akuma had really taken a toll on her.

Luckily Hawkmoth was too far away to notice how they had instantly recognized the woman, but soon enough he took advantage of the situation. The battle wasn't going as planned and the villain was never one to play fairly.

Before the two heroes could notice he charged and flung his cane on them. Ladybug landed headfirst on a piece of the debris that had fallen because of the Akuma, whereas Chat had reached the edge of the platform.

"Ladybug!" he called, as she laid still on the floor, blood dripping from her forehead. Hawkmoth was already towering on her, reaching for her earrings.

Chat sprinted towards her. They had landed on opposite sides of the platform and even with superhero speed Hawkmoth might have time to take off one earring, compromising her identity in front of all the cameras and obviously himself.

He stopped quickly looked around and noticed the spotted Lucky Charm on the floor next to him. He picked it up and threw it with as much strength and precision he could, hitting Hawkmoth in the face and splashing Ladybug with the remaining water left in the bucket.

The villain backed off from the girl, something shiny falling to the floor. He rubbed his head angrily, staring at Chat Noir with an oddly familiar hate.

Ladybug slowly opened her eyes as Hawkmoth changed target, preparing his cane to face the boy. "Such a coward picking on an unconscious girl, I was always taught that fighting dirt was wrong" commented the cat hero, preparing his baton.

"You weren't taught respect boy, if you were to give me your miraculous this could be all fixed" snarled the man, taking out of the end of his cane a small but sharp dagger.

"Oh great" grumbled Chat as he lunged towards him, using the skills acquired in the many fencing classes. He managed to hit the villain's stomach a couple of times, but not before he had managed to cut his shoulder and side.

Chat Noir's hits were barely anything for Hawkmoth, whereas the black at hero could feel the burn of his cuts and the blood rolling down his suit. He was running out of strength, at this point just defending himself while backing away.

"You're making it quite easy boy" snarled the man as he found an opening in Chat's defense and prepared his cane to attack, but before he could reach his target he was dragged back by Ladybug's yo yo.

She had gotten up, dizzy and bloody, but determined to finish this nightmare once and for all. She leaped on the man's chest, hand out ready to grab the butterfly miraculous, but he quickly reacted by swinging his cane in her face, leaving a nasty cut on her cheek.

She fell back to the floor and, through her eyelids, she could see a pink ray of light appear and disappear quickly. She shot up and checked her earrings. Her right one was missing. She looked down at her self, seeing her dirty and bloody civilian clothes. The helicopters zoomed in on the terrified girl. Marinette could hear Nadja'a voice "...Ladybug has been revealed...". From the corner of her eye she saw the lucky charm that she had summoned disappeared with the same light that her suit had come off. Her eyes were wide with shock and confusing as she looked around, hoping it was all a dream.

Tikki had fallen to the floor due to the brute and sudden detransformation."Marinette!" she heard Chat's voice come closer to her. "They all saw me" she whispered, looking up at the boy. He wrapped his arms around her, as if shielding her from the cameras even if the damage was already done "You're a superhero with or without the suit, let's get his miraculous" he said calmly with a warming smile as he helped her out. She took a deep breath as Chat handed her his baton "I could run to the dollar store to get you a yo yo but I think this is more fitting right now" he said and weakly smiled.

Marintte tighten her grip on the baton, turning her knuckles white, and ignoring all the reporters surrounding the tower, she charged with her partner.

Even though she had rarely used the baton, she had always observed in hidden awe how Chat used it, she had taken enough notes to manage to extended it in towards the sky bringing her up with is as Chat attached on the ground.

She then leapt down, making the baton fall exactly on the villain and her partner as they fought, Chat now defenseless. She extended her hand and without Hawkmoth noticing she snatched the butterfly miraculous pinned to the man's chest.

She fell to the ground after hearing a scream and rolled almost to the edge of the platform. For a few seconds she laid on the ground, feeling the miraculous in her hand. It's pointy edges threatening her skin, the beautiful stone in it's center. She let out a relived sigh as the sun started to shine on the city, a huge weight falling off her shoulders. She could feel it's negative power coursing through it, a deep and slow heartbeat, slowly fading in her palm.

She didn't care if everyone knew she was Ladybug, she and Chat had defeated Hawkmoth, the constant nightmares and vicious anxiety were over.

She looked over towards Hawkmoth and her partner. They were both on the floor, still. She helped herself up with the staff and limped towards them.

A man in a white jacket was crouched next to a familiar boy. The triumph she had felt seconds ago disappeared as her heart dropped.

"Chat?" she whispered. The tall man turned around and Marinette dropped her baton, almost losing balance. His face was dirty and he didn't have his usual glasses, his hair was no longer slicked back, now it fell around his face in dirty, grey locks. His eyes were red and, to Marinette's surprise, teary.

"Wha-" but Marinette didn't finish as he opened his mouth. "I killed my own son"

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