Chapter 26

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I honestly love writing the depressing part of stories, it's so much more dramatic. I may also have issues.


Finally the rain Marinette so deeply desired came. It had been hours after the funeral, but she had refused to leave. She sat in the cold in front of his grave, the fresh dirt under her. The absence of her earrings ached, but she didn't have the courage to face Tikki.

As soon as she had been brought to the hospital she had almost ripped them off and buried them deep in her pocket, to never look for them again.

The butterfly miraculous was all that remained of the battle, it laid on her desk, haunting her, reminding her of her failures . She didn't even know where the cat ring had been placed but honestly, Marinette couldn't care less, Plagg could take care of himself and as soon as the Grand Master of the Miracle Box found out how careless she had been with the jewels she would get her memory erased and the nightmare could be over.

Absentmindedly she stroked his Lucky charm on her wrist as she stared at the stone in front of her, all the remained of him.

"You're gonna get sick kid" said a voice behind her as Marinette jumped and turned around. The little black Kwami hovered next to her, a black jacket in his hands. The girl's eyes filled with tears "Plagg I'm so sorry for aband-" but he shook his head "Take the jacket Marinette".

She silently obeyed and wrapped it around her. She felt his familiar scent swarm around her as she observed the piece of clothing. "This is the jacket I made him" she whispered as Plagg nodded.

For a while they took in the rain that was pouring around them silently. "Listen over the millennia I've seen this happen so many times, my advice? Just move on, you can't change the past, this is what was destined to-" but at these words Marinette shot up.

"Bunnix! I forgot about Bunnix. She can bring me back to before Hawkm- I mean Gabriel killed him, why didn't I think about it before" her face lit up, a smile creeping on her lips after so long, but Plagg was quick to shut it down.

"No Kid, you don't get it. You're Ladybug, you have the power of luck by your side but he doesn't" ignoring what he said she insisted "That doesn't matter, we can just go back and it's gonna all get fixed". Plagg's impatience grew "Marinette don't you think that there is a reason that she hasn't shown up? Adrien had the miraculous of the black cat. He was just Unlucky" he sighed "That's how it goes and how it will forever be".

And with his words Marinette lost all hope, once and for all.

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