Chapter 6

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I just have a gut feeling that Alya and Tikki would be super great friend for some reason so i wanted to include that. Is the writing okay? If anyone wants to suggest something feel free to write in the comments


Ladybug's feet were dangling from the very last floor of the Tour Eiffel. For any normal person this would probably be a terrifying sight, so far away from the ground, but for precisely that reason Marinette loved it.

She was so far from all the noises and problems of the city, far from her responsibilities, but at the same time she could enjoy the beauty of it.

Sometimes she wished she could experience the world not as a protagonist but as a narrator. The one who knew all about what was going on in the story, how the characters felt, the dangers ahead, without having to go through any of it.

It might have gotten boring after a while, but with her current hectic life, she wouldn't mind it for a little bit. The thought of the possibility of her life changing thanks to the news Alya and Tikki had shared the day before lightened her heart.

Many responsibilities as Ladybug made it impossible to live a normal teenage life. But at the same time she didn't know if that was exactly what she wanted. Plus there was Chat, what would happen to them?

"Purrfect evening for a talk Ladybug" her partners voice broke through her thoughts. She smiled "Hello Chaton, not calling me M'lady anymore?". Chat looked surprised, like he hadn't even noticed himself "So you do like it when I call you that" he answered half triumphantly half thoughtful. Ladybug rolled her eyes and invited him to sit next to her.

Thankfully there wasn't too much wind, otherwise at that height they wouldn't have been able to hear a single word. Instead a nice warm breeze ruffled their hair.

After a couple of minutes of comfortable silence Ladybug started "Chat I was talking with Tikki and we might have come up with a way to track down Hawkmoth". Her partner looked at her wide eyed "Seriously?" Ladybug nodded and started to explain the plan.

After a while of silence, as Chat was thinking, he finally blurted out the question to which they both feared the answer "And what will happen to us?".

His partner froze because she was as scared as he was. But as she thought it over, what would stop them from making sure Paris remained safe? Marinette was the guardian now and it's not like the only crime in Paris was Hawkmoth.

But in that moment she wasn't sure what to answer Chat. She turned to face him and she noticed that his eyes were full of sadness and worry for the future. By spending so much time with him she realized that his home life wasn't the best, he had never shared any details as it wasn't his thing to talk about things that upset him but she could still tell.

Ladybug was probably the one person in this past year that had always been by his side, like a rock to hold on to in a tornado. Whatever might happen right now the only thing she had to do was not to worry her partner "I don't know" she whispered and then took a deep breath "But I need my Kitty".

She laid her head on the boy's shoulder and they sat on the top of the Tour Eiffel, in thoughtful silence as the Parisian lights below brightened up the night.


After a few long moments of comforting friendship with her partner Ladybug quickly made her way home, she knew that Chat would probably want to visit Marinette, it was a hectic time.

She de transformed and made sure to hide the
Miracle box. "Come on guys, you know the drill" the Kwamis argued a bit, but in the end they complied, they knew that she was right. Marinette yawned, it was extremely late, but she wouldn't send her Kitty away, she looked forward to spending time with him.

Not even ten minutes later she heard a faint knock. "Come in" she called, careful not to wake her parents.

The cat hero hopped into her bedroom and smiled at her. "Good evening Purrncess".

"You mean good morning?" she teased. Chat hadn't noticed the time, sometimes she doubted if he even slept. "I'm sorry Mari, I can come another time" but Marinette shook her head and invited him to stay.

"I actually wanted to talk a little, if you don't mind" Marinette agreed and they both made each other comfortable on her bed, both at a reasonable distance from each other.

"I know I'm not supposed to tell you this seen as it's superhero stuff but I trust you, I would trust you with my life Mari" he gave her a faint smile. He had to express how he felt with someone, and Marinette was his best friend at this point, probably even more important than Ladybug.

Every time he looked at her, in class, at lunch, in the hallways, his heart yearned to get closer to her, to talk to her, to hug her. To hear about her day, her fears and just lay down next to her while listening to her heartbeat.

After a short pause Chat went on "Me and Ladybug might know a way to get to Hawkmoth". Marinette quickly reminded her self to act shocked, but something told her that Chat wasn't here to talk about the plan, so she decided not to ask questions.

"But I'm scared Mari, what if one of us gets hurt? What if it doesn't end well? He's a terrorist, he's akumatized freaking babies, why shouldn't he want to hurt us?" he continued, his breathing becoming faster and more panicked. Marinette tried to get closer to him, to calm him down. It looked like he was about to have an anxiety attack, his rush of thoughts, nervous fidgeting with his hands and worried expression were all clear signs.

"What if I never see Ladybug again? What if I lose my freedom?" Marinette tried holding his hand and caressed it but she didn't want to stop him from talking, he needed to get this off his chest.

Suddenly he blurted out "What if i have to give up my miraculous and I can't come visit you again and not get to tell you how I feel?" he froze hearing his words. He hadn't even realized that was his main worry until he said it.

Marinette was immobilized as well. She registered. And then she just kissed him

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