Chapter 10

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I have such an intricate plot for this book idk if i'll be able to remember it all lol. Anyway how is it going for now? And thank you so much for those of you who are commenting, i hope this is living up to your expectations

Update I don't even remember what plot I was talking about, between my school work, friends and my ADHD i forgot


"I'm sorry" was the first thing that Marinette blurted out after a couple of minutes of awkward silence. They were sitting on the girl's bed, one in her pjs and the other one in a cat boy suit, both nervous.

"Wait for what?" Chat Noir looked over at her with a quizzical expression. "For the kiss, I didn't ask if it was okay I'm so sorry Chat I understand if you're mad" but he just shook his head "It's fine Mari, I mean I had basically just confessed my feelings for you".

Marinette froze, at first she had thought that Chat had just gotten confused during his panic attack or that he had just blurted out something random. Maybe a part of her wanted to believe that lie, or maybe she was too afraid of being disappointed if she had asked him what he actually felt and he would have denied it.

"You really meant that?" she asked in a low voice. Marinette could see a slight blush forming on the cat hero's face, even if his mask covered most of his cheeks. He started explaining "After all those nights together just talking, playing video games and stuff like that I just kinda realized that whenever I'm with you I'm the happiest I could ever be. When I'm with you I get butterflies in my stomach, which is ironic but you get it, and whenever I leave I feel as if I left a piece of myself in your hands, where it belongs" he looked in her eyes and smiled "And I'm not very good with emotions, but if I ever had to label a feeling like this, I'd say it's.. it's not just friendship".

Marinette's eyes were wide and looking straight in Chat's whose were firm with a glint of fear. Suddenly it was as if everything was clear, it made sense, it was in the right place. She could see her feelings clearly.

She had tried to fight them off for so long because of Adrien, but she couldn't anymore, she wanted to be happy, she wanted to be selfish for once and be with Chat, even if that meant many dangers coming her way. She didn't care anymore, she wasn't Ladybug at the moment, she wasn't the savior of Paris, right now she was just Marinette.

"Chat" she whispered "I-I feel the same". The boy got closer to her, now they were face to face. He caressed her cheek "You do?" he smiled and gently cupped her face. He looked in her eyes, waiting for a sign from her. She smiled and lightly nodded and Chat Noir kissed her.

It felt as if she had suddenly been able to breath after being trapped underwater, they just fit. She intertwined her fingers with his hair as they deepened the kiss. He pulled her closer to him by wrapping his arm around her waist so that there was no air between them.

Eventually they separated, while gasping for air they rested their foreheads against each other. Marinette smiled weakly "How are we going to do this Kitty" he chuckled "I have no idea Princess, but as long as we're together I'm pawsitive we can do anything".

Marinette's heart warmed up at his stupid pun, she had finally allowed herself to feel for him, and in the best combination possible. Just as she was about to talk they heard a knock on the door.

"Marinette are you up? Can I come in?" Sabine asked on the other side of the trap door. Marinette shot up on her bed "Just a second Mama I-I'll be downstairs in a minute". Luckily Sabine didn't question her daughter and made her way downstairs.

Marinette let out a sigh of relief and looked over at Chat which was trying to hold in his laughter at how flushed the girl was. She just rolled her eyes "Come on Chat" and she accompanied him to the balcony.


"Damn where is that girl" Alya mumbled to herself, she was already in front of school, waiting for her usually late best friend.

She took out her phone and looked for Marinette's contact. She waited for her to answer but as usual it went straight to voicemail. It made much more sense to her now that she knew that she was Ladybug but seen as there were no akumatizations she was probably just sleeping in.

She sighed and made her way to the bakery, she loved that girl with all her heart but she really needed a better sleep schedule. As she was about to cross the road she looked up at her best friend's terrace and froze.

On the railing she could see a familiar figure all dressed in black and next to him was her best friend, still in her pjs leaning very close the the boy. Alya's eyes widened, Marinette had mentioned a few times that Chat was coming over sometimes but she had never been inclined to share any details, plus when she did talk about it it was strictly during the night, for fear that civilians, like her now, would spot them.

Then her jaw almost literally dropped to the ground as her best friend leaned in to kiss him before he took off. For a while Alya was still, just looking at the now empty balcony. After a few minutes though she regained control and stormed into the bakery.

"Good morning Alya, Marinette should be down soon" greeted Tom Dupain-Ching from behind the counter. "May I go up to her room? It's important" asked urgently the girl. Tom smiled and nodded so the girl raced up the stairs.

"Marinette, open up!" yelled Alya bagging on the other side of the trap door to Marinette's room. She heard her footsteps come hurriedly towards her.

"What's wrong? Is there an akuma?" she asked as she flung it open. Alya entered looking as if she had just escaped a maximum security prison. She took her best friend by the shoulders.

"Marinette" she said through clenched teeth "Why were you kissing Chat Noir on your balcony just now?". The bluenette froze, she was going to kill her.

"Umm to practice CPR?" she came up with, but Alya wasn't listening as she started jumping around the room "My ship! Oh I'm so happy!" then she quickly turned around and stared "Did you guys reveal your identities?". Marinette just shook her head while Alya continued fangirling over her relationship and asking a bunch of questions.

But Marinette just laughed "Come on Alya, we have to get to school"

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