Am I ugly?

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Enjoy :)

I was on my bed looking at the ceiling and all I could think was,

"what is the meaning of my life?,what is the purpose of my life?"

While thinking about it I looked out of my dusty windows,yeah my mom told me to clean it but I ended up breaking one window so she told me to never clean or touch anything. I mean I was called the God of Destruction for a certain reason,she should have known.

Then I saw my girlfriend walking I was so excited that I almost fell off my bed at the attempt to run outside and hug her small body.

I ran outside as fast as I can and opened the door to see but in vain,she wasn't there.I was confused as to where my girlfriend is and I saw her from far, walking then suddenly she ran towards someone and


I slowly hid under the bush and crawled towards them and when I slowly went near the tree I heard a thud, I looked upto see my girlfriend and that dude was having a huge makeout session.

Tears started streaming down from my eyes,I wiped it and jumped up, with the sudden entrance of mine that dude screamed and fell down flat.

I Laughed at him and then I realized I just caught my girlfriend cheating on me.


"Care to explain what the fuck is going on here?"

"Joonie I-" She came near him and he backed away.

"Stay where you are, and talk please."

"Okay...Namjoon I am breaking up with you" Namjoon's expression suddenly changed. Blur.. that's all he could see,then he realized he was crying.

"Lisa are y - you kidding me? Th- this is a joke right?" Namjoon started laughing loudly and looked at her,to see her eyes are fixed to the ground.

"Lisa!!!" Namjoon pulled her by the shoulders.

"Namjoon ouch! Y - you are h- hurting me"

"I don't care!!! Give me an answer,you are joking right??"

Lisa Pushed him away.

"No I am not!! I don't love you, I never did."

A sudden pang of pain shot through Namjoon's heart.

"W- what?"

"You heard me right? I never loved you.."

"What are you saying Lisa?" Namjoon gulped and at this point, people who were walking on the road was looking at them, but he didn't care, this is the girl he loved for the longest time, and he needed answers"

Namjoon was looking at Lisa with tears streaming down.

"Listen...I- I never loved you Namjoon okay. It's just you had so much of money and oof everything else which a normal person craved for, I wanted to have some fun too...I mean what's wrong with having some fun right?"

"You consider what we had between us is just for fun and a f- fling?" Namjoon gulped.

"I mean yeah you can say that t-"

"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!"Namjoon screamed and many faces turned around to see what the commotion is.


"Everything we had between us is a joke to you? Didn't you ever care about my feelings are you fu-"

"Man maybe you need to chill-"

"Chill?" Namjoon gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Fucking douche is telling me to calm down after stealing my girlfriend?" Namjoon grabbed hold of the guy with the shirt snd started beating him ruthlessly.

"Namjoon stop it...NAMJOON STOP IT."

Namjoon was dragged backwards by two hands,he turned around to hit the guy who intervened and his fist came in contact with Taehyung's Jaw.

"Ouch!! You dumb freak"

"Oh shit" Namjoon looked at his fist and looked at Taehyung's bruised jaw.

"Shit shit shit omg are you okay?"


Namjoon turned around and saw Lisa trying to help the guy up.He went towards her and said the last things he had to say.

"You're the worst thing which can happen to anyone Lalisa." He fumed at her.

Lisa stared at him for a moment and smiled.

"And you're the ugliest creature which is born to this world Kim Namjoon."Namjoon eyes softened. Lisa took the limping guy away.

omg isn't that guy...
ugh I don't want to stay beside him..."

Everything came tumbling down. The constant bullying,the constant hurtful words it started ringing in his years, that's the last thing he wanted to hear. Namjoon was severely bullied during middle school but after his puberty,and his new school saved him from killing himself.

He hated how he looked,he hated that he exists...

Namjoon looked at his hands and whispered.

"Am I really ugly?"

"You're not ugly you dumb freak, you are handsome and Amazing you are just living in a fucking judgemental world"

Tae fumed at the scene and walked towards Namjoon and kept a hand on his shoulder.

"You are the most amazing thing which happened to this world Joonie, Remember that."

He slowly nodded.

Tae smiled
"Okay ignore that bitch she doesn't deserve it now come apply some medicine to my jaw, it hurts a lot"

"Oh yeah I am sorry I-"

"Or maybe not I don't want a broken Jaw."

Namjoon looked at him with a confused face.

"I mean you are called God of Destruction for a reason."

Namjoon laughed at that remark.
"Yeah yeah!" He wiped his tears and started walking towards his house.

Tae looked at him and thought.
"Maybe now will I have a chance with him?

I hope you enjoyed it.
Stay safe everyone 😌🌻

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