Will I mess up?

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I closed the toilet lid and sat on it,all I could think about was the conversation the doctor and I had before I came to the room.

"Namjoon thanks for coming to meet me..."

"Honestly you don't have to thank me."

"Hehe okay...so I'll come straight to the point."


"Okay First Question do you have your own home or something?"

"Yeah I have a condo."

"Cools...so um now Namjoon! Jin has to go through counselling for him to mostly heal and counseling can only heal upto 50% but the rest of the 50% is upto someone else to heal."

"Okay doctor..."

"Yes so...that someone is you."

Namjoon was suprised to hear that.


"Yes you!!"

"But doctor when I first saw Jin struggling and all I cried how can I help him..I mean I can but what if I hurt him more?"

"No you won't Namjoon...Jin's safe space is you."


Namjoon asked trying to grasp every information the doctor told him.

"Yes... cus see Jin has his mom and his dad but only you could touch him, that's cus he has a special bonding with you and maybe cus of that he is comfortable with you...if you could help him come out of the trauma then he will be cured soon."

"So for that I need to keep him in my condo?"

"It's better if you do that..the more space the more he comes out of the shell and the trauma."

"But doctor...What If I mess up?"

"You won't!! I know you won't."

Doctor touched his shoulder and comforted him.

"Namjoon,Jin can reach out only to you when he needs someone..I know you're scared because this is new for you but don't you want your bestfriend to heal?"

Namjoon started thinking, as much as he knows he is going to mess up, he knows that his friend needs him.

He took a deep breath.

"I'll do it...for him."

"I am glad." The doctor pat his back and went.

"Namjoon ah are you sleeping in the washroom?" He was startled by the loud knocks and the shouts.

"Mochi?" He thought. He opened the door to see a small and short boy standing in front of the door.

"Damn took you long enough to open it didn't it."

"Maybe his horny ass kicked in?" Hoseok said wiggling his eyebrow.

"Oh my heavenly ears don't say stuff like that I am innocent."

"Innocent?" Three of them asked and started laughing.

Namjoon put a hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"When did you come?"

"Five minutes back..I wanted to come earlier but the cafe was full today so..um.."

"Most probably with hot teenage boys..eh?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows again.

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