I'll protect you.

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Jungkook was walking home when he heard some people , he went towards the crowd and saw them looking up and screaming, he got closer and heard them say, " Get down you'll fall"

He looked up at the building and squinted his eyes to see who it was and saw Taehyung looking down almost like planning to Jump. Jungkook got really scared and ran inside the building and up on the stairs, he fell down once or twice but he had to stop the older from doing something he will regret so he ran up, he quickly opened the door to the balcony and ran inside to see Taehyung putting his leg out, he ran up to him and grabbed his wrist harshly and pulled towards him.

Taehyung got startled with the sudden pull and fell on top of Jungkook. Jungkook groaned in pain and looked at him to see him on top of him and sighed.

When Taheyung realized that he was on top of Jungkook he quickly got up.

"The fuck is wrong with you" he screamed

"I should be asking you that Mr. Kim" Jungkook screamed, "What were you possibly planning on to do it? Kill yourself?"

"So what if I was, it doesn't concern you." He screamed

Jungkook tightened his fist and looked at him, he wanted to scream at the older or beat him up for being a stuck up dick, but that's not how you handle a person who almost tried to commit suicide.

Jungkook let a deep breath and looked at Taehyung again and then he looked at the older properly and saw that his hand was bruised and blood was pouring out, and he saw that there was a small scar on his face and blood was pouring out from his face too.

"Your hand-"

Taehyung covered his hand and slightly turned around so he won't see his face.

"Like I said non of your concern-"

Jungkook pulled him towards him to which Taehyung got shocked and gulped at the close proximity between them and looked at Jungkook who was really closer to him.

Taehyung stared at the younger who was looking at Taehyung's body for more injuries and he looked at Taehyung with worried eyes to which Taehyung looked elsewhere.

"Who did this to you?" He worriedly asked.

"Non of your-"

"Shut up!" He said loudly and Taehyung flinched with the sudden outburst.


"Come let's go"

"Wh- where are we go going?"

"Home...my home"

"I don't need your-"

"Yeah yeah I know you don't need my help, you're God you don't need help but if you die here then I'll go to hell for not helping you and Lord God I didn't even find my cute prince charming and I am not going to hell for you" Jungkook rambled.

Taehyung got startled with the rambling but still kept quiet and looked down to see Jungkook's hands interwined with his and that point he doesn't know why but he felt comfortable and protected by the younger one, he smiled lightly.

They came to Jungkook's house "Sit there while I get the first aid"

Taehyung nodded and went and sat on the couch.

He looked up and saw a shirtless guy coming down with a puzzled look. "But didn't he tell that he still hasn't found his prince charming?" He thought.

He came down and looked at the guy with a puzzle looked, "Umm bunny why do we have an injured man in the house?" He loudly spoke and eyed him.

"The heck you doing in my house?" Jungkook screamed and for a minute Taehyung thought it was Jungkook's ex he almost went to knock him down thinking he is a crazy stalker but stopped when the stranger spoke.

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