Entangled lives.

59 7 0

Trigger warning.

It was after cafe hours.

Jin,Namjoon,Jimin,Taehyung,and Jungkook was sitting at a table.

"Wait so you mean..you can't hug anymore?"

"Except for Namjoon I can't hug anyone else."

"How did this happen tho Jin?" Asked Taehyung.

"Um well...long story."

"Is it because of Jackson?"

Jin's eyes widened and everyone looked at Jungkook and then at Jin.Jin kept his head on the table while Namjoon started massaging his temple.

"I- I..."

"Can we not talk about the past yall?"

Namjoon spoke,Jin turned and looked at him and smiled.

"Let's just work on healing Jinnie okay."


Jungkook looked at Jin with a worried face.

"See you later guys!" Everyone bid byes to each other and went their own ways.

"Jinnie I'll come to pick you up at 8.00am tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure Joon!" Jin smiled and got off and left after saying bye to Namjoon.

Jimin looked down and slowly walked until he ended up hitting his face on a wall.

"Ouch!" He held his nose and looked up to see, two kitten looking big eyes were looking at him.

It was the cute guy from the hospital.

"It's you again." He heaved a sigh.

"Umm..uh I am sorry."

"That's fine."

Jimin Slowly smiled and looked at his hand to see him bleeding.

"Oh shit..you're bleeding."

"Yeah I am fine."

"No you're not!!"

"Come I'll apply Something."

"I said I am fine." He said and pulled his hand.

Jimin felt sad and tears started streaming.

"I just wanted to help." He mumbled with a tear slipping down his face.

"Ugh! Fine I'll come."

Jimin beemed with happiness.

"Awesome!! Come, my house is close by." He said..."more like Namjoon's" he mumbled the last part to himself.

They came inside Namjoon's house.

"Ajumma?..Samchon?..maybe they went out or something."

Jimin told the cute guy to sit and he went to get the first aid box.He came back with the first aid and sat down.

"Here...give me your hand." The cute boy gave his hand and slightly tilted his head and looked at Jimin.

"Why are you helping me?" He slowly asked.

"Cus mankind is obligated to help one another."

"But you don't even know me.."

"Yeah! But I met you yesterday and...I feel the pain in the heart...I know how much it hurts enough to take a blade and cut yourself so you could feel less pain in your heart."

He smiled sadly and looked up to see the cute boy crying.

"I know I am a stranger and I don't know what you are going through, but I can always give a hug to a friend in need."

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