James' POV

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I removed my protective gear in the forgery. It was hot in here, but it was a place to get away. Also it helped me focus on things I didn't want to think about. Like my birthday, which was today. Only my siblings and my ex-girlfriend knew, but it's not like they would actually wish me a happy birthday. My siblings were focused on other things, and my ex... we haven't talked since our breakup, which made me sad on the inside because I really thought that we could still be friends. But nope. My world was in flames, but I had to hold it together.

I got outside and was going to go to the pavilion but I saw HER. I decided anywhere OTHER than with HER is best. I went to the rock climbing wall, where my friends Max and Kaitlyn were standing. I waved to them. They looked startled, but waved back.

"You guys okay?" I asked them.

"Uh, yeah sorry, we were just talking about... things," replied the Aphrodite kid.

"Okay... are you in the middle of anything important right now?"

The couple exchanged a look. They shook their heads. "Nah just talking about... video games! We love video games," Max said in a rather fake voice, although I knew they both did have a love for video games.

I just nodded my head. I looked over to where Kaitlyn was staring. Oh. She was looking at HER. I wondered why. I decided to ask them. "Hey, is everything okay with Tiff?"

Kait pursed her lips. "I hope so. She's not her normal self. Hasn't been since her mom."

I looked at the ground guiltily. I remember her sobbing into my shoulder, telling me about the horrible car crash. And I just held her. "E-excuse me for a second guys," I said rushed.

I didn't want to think about it anymore, so I just left awkwardly. I looked at my former girlfriend and saw tears falling from her eyes. I wish I could comfort her, but I knew it was too late now...

I just lay in my bed until the breakfast horn sounded. I walked glumly to the pavilion with my siblings. I got in line, grabbed a buttered croissant, and scraped some food into the fire for my father. I ate quickly, just wanting to get today over with. As I was cleaning up, I saw Tiffany go up to Chiron, her eyebrows knit into a worried frown. Chiron listened to her closely and nodded in understanding. He hauled her onto his horse back, riding towards the Big House. I wonder what that was about. I felt the need to follow her there, but I knew she would explode if I did that. I just turned around and went to continue my horrid day.

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