Tiffany's POV

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James and I talked on the flight for hours and hours while Kaitlyn sleeps on the seat across from us. When we land, we wake her up and head off the plane.

We were at an airport in Manhattan and sat down in some seats by the exit. "So, should we just call a taxi?" I ask my friends.

"Uh yeah. But how are we gonna pay?"

I pulled out about two dollars and fifty cents. Well, it was worth a try. The three of us got up from where we were sitting and made our way outside to find a taxi. James found one and whistled for it, and it drove over to us. The driver gave us a look of pity and motioned for us to get in the backseat.

James sat on the left, I sat in the middle, and Kait sat on the right, and I told the taxi driver where to go. We talked and talked until we arrived at Half-Blood hill. Kaitlyn thanked the driver as we got out of the taxi and made our way up the hill.

We made it up the hill and stopped at Thalia's pine tree where the camp was waiting for us. Chiron congratulated us and the campers cheered and cheered. As the campers were cheering, James pulled me aside. "We never know what might happen, as we've both experienced that, right? So why not spend every day like it's our last?"

I felt my face getting hot. "Yeah. yeah," I mumble.

James puts his arms around my waist and he pulls me in for a kiss. The cheering campers cheer even louder, and James and I pull away blushing. I saw Andrew in the crowd fuming. I tried to hold in my laugh, but I failed. Kaitlyn was standing to the side with Chiron. She was slightly smiling, but tears were forming in her eyes. Oh, gods. This must remind her of when Max and her got together a year ago. James and I look at her with worry on our faces. My best friend signals us not to worry about her, and we watched as she walked away to the Big House with Chiron.

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