James' POV

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It had been about two hours since I've seen my other demigod friends. I was getting really worried. After waiting a few more moments, Tiffany and Kaitlyn finally emerged from deep in the woods. Tiffany was bruised and Kait held a silver staff. I ran to Tiff's side. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Kaitlyn scoffed. "Yeah, I'm alright too, James. Thanks for being so concerned!"

I regarded her and looked at Tiffany once again. Even with all those bruises on her face, she still managed to look so pretty. Tiffany flopped onto our makeshift bed. "Well. It started when Kaitlyn and I split up to find something to eat."

I was shocked that they would do such a thing. "Split up? WHY in Tartarus would you split up?"

The child of Apollo scowled. "Are you going to let me continue the story? Or are you just gonna keep interrupting?"

I stayed quiet after that. Both of the girls explained how Tiffany encountered a Laistrygonian giant, and how it knocked her out. Kaitlyn came to find her and took it down and convinced the giant to hand over its weapon. Tiff also mentioned that the Laistrygonian giant told them where to find Mr. Red Robes' army. Apparently, we had to look for the bullet ants. At last I said, "Well. We don't have any time to waste, especially since we're on foot. Let's get movin' girls!"

The three of us got up and trudged on with Tiffany leading the way.

After walking for what felt like miles and miles, we finally found the bullet ant swarm. The swarm was right in front of a huge house. It had a white door and a brownish exterior. The roof was a light gray. Now, I'm no architect like Annabeth, but this place was REALLY nice. I turned to Tiffany, who had her thinking face on. Her eyes lit up in that adorable way when she got excited. "It's like the line in the prophecy! 'And visit the swarm of slayers!' The ants must be the swarm. That means, the slayers are right behind that door..."

All of us exchanged nervous looks. We drew our weapons and opened the front door, not knowing what to expect.

When Tiffany opened that door, we were greeted by a bunch of monsters with their backs facing us. There was even a Minotaur, like the one Percy defeated on his first day at CHB. All of the monsters were gathered around a table with a couple of objects and a map. The three of us heard a manticore say, "This must be master's location! We have to get his weapon and this scroll to him. The information on it is VERY crucial to our plan."

The monsters grunted in response. They continued their conversation, which involved a lot of grunting, when suddenly, Kaitlyn let out a not-so-quiet yelp. The room went silent. Tiffany and I glared at her. "Sorry! I've never been in a room with this many monsters before!" she whispered.


The same manticore who was speaking before bellowed. Soon, all the monsters were looking at us with their horrid eyes. I heard a hellhound snarl. "Monsters, don't let them leave here. At least not alive. ATTACK!"

So many things were going on. The monsters were ready to attack and Tiffany shot arrows aimlessly while a Minotaur charged at the three of us. Before it could hurt us, we ran out the door, and the Minotaur's horns scraped my back. I winced in pain. My demigod friends stopped to check on my scar. Lucky for us, the Minotaur was stuck in the door. "James!" Tiffany exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

"I will be," I told them. "We have to keep moving though."

I sat up and we walked away from the house empty-handed.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This part is written by @swaggystoriesss :)) 

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