Tiffany's POV

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Chiron listened intently as I told him about my nightmares about Mr. Red Robes. Context: Mr. Red Robes is the guy that me and my best friends Kaitlyn and Max defeated a year ago while on the quest for the golden sword. Chiron looked worried after I finished telling him about my nightmares. Then, I remembered: demigod nightmares are usually real. That means... no. He CAN'T be alive. Kait, Max, and I saw him disappear after we defeated him. "Hmm. Maybe you should go see Rachel, Tiffany. Tiffany?" Chiron said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh! Yeah yeah, I'll go see Rachel."

After that, I was off to find the Oracle in her cave.

"Hiya Tiffany! What's up? Is everything okay?"

Rachel must've noticed my shaken up face. I just felt out of place. "Hey Rachel. Actually everything isn't fine. I went through a breakup, my mom died, and now I'm having nightmares about someone who is supposed to be dead!"

I just let it pour out of me. I needed to talk to someone. The Oracle put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey. It's okay. You'll be alright. I promise!"

Rachel's words were somewhat comforting. I just sat there with her for a minute, when suddenly she started spilling out a prophecy:

Find the one who you thought was dead

For he is preparing for a great time of dread

Go south to the place with many layers

And visit the swarm of slayers

Make a sacrifice to one of Hecate's

For they are the key to completing the journey

The hammer and the mirror are vital

Or else the disaster will go global

Oh, man. The one who I thought was dead? That means it must be true; Mr. Red Robes was alive.

I ran out of the cave and went straight to Chiron. The centaur looked up from the book he was reading. "What can I do for you Tiffany?"

I told him the prophecy Rachel had recited. Chiron looked shaken. "Well, it sounds like you have to go and find Mr. Red Robes and kill him. I will provide you with the appropriate weapons, or you can use your own weapons, considering you have a magical golden bow from your dad. You and two other campers will leave the next day. Now, go train and rest up. You are up for a LONG journey."

I walked away from Chiron and into my cabin and sat down. Andrew walked in and I waved. I was a little irritated with him because he just interrupted my thinking. "Hey Tiff! You seem a little down. I know what will cheer you up!" He smirked. "Wanna go bully some Athena kid?"

I had had about enough of his bullying. I just snapped. "No! I'm sick of the bullying. I can't be with a jerk like you! All you do is harass and make fun of kids instead of helping and teaching them! I'm done with you. Come back to me when you learn to be a nice person!"

I stormed out of the cabin and left him there, mouth agape. I didn't really care. I sat down on a bench. I thought about who I should take on my quest for a while, and I made a decision. I walked away from the bench and went to find my best friend.

Kaitlyn was watching some kids from the Hermes cabin play volleyball. I tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Tiff! Do you need something?"

I looked down at my shoes. "Um yeah, actually. You see... I have been having nightmares about Mr. Red Robes."

Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow. "Mr. Red Robes? We defeated him a year ago. He's dead!"

"That's what I thought too! Until I went to see Rachel."

I recited the prophecy to my friend. "Woah. That means he is alive! Are you here to ask me to accompany you on this quest?"

I nodded gingerly. "We leave tomorrow night. You might wanna train and get some rest. Chiron will give us some weapons, although you already have one, so you can just stick with that, I guess."

"Alright. But don't you need a third person on this quest? Hey! You should ask James!"

I gaped at her. James? I haven't talked to him in months. I would have asked ANDREW first before him.

"Kait? Why?"

She rolled her eyes. "C'mon! You guys haven't talked since the breakup, and you need to make amends. Also, the prophecy says 'hammer.' Hephaestus' symbol is literally a hammer, and James is the son of Hephaestus. So it makes sense, doesn't it?" She grabbed my arm. "Now let's go and find him!"

It didn't take long to find him. He was in his cabin. He looked up from the miniature machine he was fiddling with and scowled. Wow. Nice to know when you're welcome. "Hey James," I said in a small voice.

"What are you doing in here? I'm busy!"

Kaitlyn spoke up. "Well, Tiffany here has something VERY important to ask you."

He put down the thing he was messing with; probably to indicate that he was listening. I told him everything. About Mr. Red Robes, about my nightmares, and about my encounter with the Oracle and Chiron. He looked shaken up as I finished. "So you want ME to accompany you two on this quest? Why?"

I scoffed and headed out the door. "Well if you don't want to, then-"

"Wait! I'll do it."

I did a double take. Did he really just say yes? I tried to hide my shock. "Oh. Okay then. W-well we leave tomorrow. You should train and get some rest. Chiron will provide us with weapons."

The son of Hephaestus nodded. "Well. See ya in the morning."

Kaitlyn had a small smile on her face as we walked out of the cabin.

She stopped me in my tracks. "See! Now you guys might become friends after this! Maybe even...get back together?"

I widened my eyes. "Get back together? Seriously?"

She threw her hands up in defense. "Hey! It's just a thought."

I decided to tell her about Andrew so I could at least get her to drop the idea of me and James getting back together. She tried to hide her smile. I was aware that Kaitlyn nor Max liked Andrew very much. Her smile quickly faded. "Well. I gotta go, Tiff. See ya!"

She ran off to find Max and I went over to the training area to prepare for this dreadful adventure.

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