Tiffany's POV

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I woke up the next morning facing James. I must've moved in my sleep. Lucky for me, he was still asleep. I quickly sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. Kaitlyn was already awake. I gave her a warm, but sleepy smile. She smiled back and walked over to me. "Hey Tiff! How'd you sleep?"

"Hey Kaitlyn. I slept as well as you can on bird feathers."

Both of us laughed. I looked over to where James was still laying down and noticed that he started to stir. He woke up to me and Kait watching him. "Uhh...hi?" Is all he said.

I laughed. "Glad you're finally up! Kaitlyn and I are gonna go look for more birds."

The son of Hephaestus groaned. "No more birds! Please. It's bad enough we have to sleep on their feathers!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Stop being so whiny. If you have a better option, then you can go out and look for it! C'mon Kaitlyn."

I grabbed her wrist, not even waiting for her answer.

We stopped walking after a while. I looked at Aphrodite's daughter. "Ok. So we have found nothing so far. I think we should split up."

My demigod friend gave me a look of fear. "Split up? In this huge forest? Possibly filled with monsters?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry so much, Kait. We'll be FINE."

I squeezed her hands. "Okay. We'll meet back with James in about 30 minutes?"

Kaitlyn nodded. I squeezed her hand and walked away, leaving Kaitlyn to give me a disgusted and confused look.

As I continued my search for birds(or anything to eat at this point), I came across a boy who looked about 14 I think. He was about six feet tall. He must've heard me because he turned around and smiled. "Hi. Are you looking for something to eat? I can help you with that!"

I knew taking up this random dude's offer was risky, but I was desperate. "Sure. I could REALLY use some food right now."

This guy was really nice to me. He gave me most of the food he had here in this huge forest. "Are you sure you will have enough food for yourself?"

The huge guy smiled and laughed. It was really throaty.

It kinda creeped me out. "Yes, child of Apollo. I will be full once I finish having YOU as my feast." I did a double take. How in Tartarus did he know I was a demigod. And did he say... eat me? It dawned on me that I had walked into a trap. I was about to become monster food.

The tall kid tripled in size. I then realized what it was: a Laistrygonian giant. It charged at me and I narrowly dodged it. I shot it in the chest with my arrow, but it didn't kill him sadly. I climbed a tree and jumped on its back. It then pulled out a silver staff. I suddenly felt dizzy. It was what Mr. Red Robes fought with. The giant noticed that I was distracted. It used that opportunity to throw me into a tree, and then I blacked out.

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