Tiffany's POV

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The three of us made it back to camp. Kaitlyn and I didn't have any wounds. Well, I had been wounded figuratively. My spirit was so crushed. How are we gonna stop Mr. Red Robes? I left my thoughts alone and started tending to James's wounds.

"Hey! Be more gentle!" my ex snapped.

"Do you want this done right?" I snapped back. "Now shut up and let me do my job!"

Well, that shut him up.

I finished tending his wounds and he thanked me. Then, Kaitlyn sat down next to me on our makeshift bed. "Wanna go over the lines of the prophecy?"

I nodded my head. There were a few lines left. "So there's, 'make a sacrifice to one of Hecate's, for they are key to completing the journey' and 'The hammer and the mirror are vital, or else the disaster will go global'. I didn't bother going over the other ones because we already knew Mr. Red Robes was alive, and we're already in the place with many layers. Also, we found the swarm.

"Well, James has a hammer. And what kind of sacrifice?" I asked my best friend.

Kaitlyn looked stumped. "Well, it may not be JAMES'S hammer, and I don't know what kind of sacrifice. We should go back to the house again. Maybe the monsters are gone?"

At this point, James joined in on our conversation. "We shouldn't go back because 1) It's nighttime and we may not find our way back to "camp" and 2) we need to better prepare for fighting a huge gang of monsters."

Kaitlyn was back to being stumped. "Yeah, you have a point. So what should we do now?"

I perked up a bit. "I have an idea," I told the others. "Let's make a sacrifice to Hecate. It's pretty much our only option now."

My demigod friends looked at me blankly. "Well, Miss Brainiac," James started. "Since you have this figured out, what do we sacrifice?"

I glared at him. "I never said I had everything figured out. And I think we should sacrifice some bugs. It's the only thing we have now. Kaitlyn, go find some bugs and come back and cook them. Then, we'll make a fire and burn them as an offering to Hecate. Ha! I guess I DO have it figured out. Now, run along Kaitlyn!"

Kaitlyn reluctantly got up and ran off into the deep parts of the forest. Well, not super deep as it was still nighttime and we didn't want her to get lost. The son of Hephaestus and I awkwardly sat there in silence. Minutes later, James broke the silence. "Sooo. Do you think this will work?"

I shrugged. "I hope so. It's our only option for now."

Finally, the child of the love goddess came back with a bunch of bugs. She looked disgusted. I stifled a laugh as she set the bugs down and started a fire. "Well, all there's left to do is cook them and burn them. Let's hope your plan works, Tiff."

She burned the cooked bugs in the fire. I made a silent prayer to the magic goddess, hoping she would accept our sacrifice.

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