Kaitlyn's POV

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So, I was walking around collecting grasshoppers and ants for us to roast, when suddenly I heard a loud thump. I turned in the direction of the noise and realized it was where Tiffany was headed. I stuffed my bag of insects in my pocket and ran towards the sound. I emerged at the sight of a large giant who was laughing and had- wait... was that Tiffany?- clutched in his fist, raising her towards his mouth. "HEY!" I shouted to him to get his attention.

I waved my arms around. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me. He crouched down so he could be eye level with me. "Hello, puny human. What do you want?"

He didn't seem to sense I was a demigod, as I was just a child of Aphrodite whose aura wasn't that strong. "Um," I said, trying to form a plan quickly in my mind. "I just wanted to know what you're gonna do with that girl!"

He frowned and raised Tiff higher in the air. "This?"

I nodded. "Uh-huh."

He shrugged. "I'm going to eat her!"

I widened my eyes. "Uh, Mr. Large Man! Studies show that going vegan is better for the... planet?"

"What is VEGAN?"

"Vegan is um... where you don't eat any food derived from animals and who typically does not use other animal products."

He frowned. "This girl is not an animal, though."

I stared at him. Well, I didn't think I could pull this off any longer. I took out my dagger and threw it at his hand. Startled, he yelped in pain and dropped my best friend, who landed with a thud. I winced. That's gotta hurt. The giant looked furious. "YOU DARE TRICK ME, MORTAL! YOU WILL PAY!"

He clenched his fists and pounded on the ground, but he missed me as I dove in front of him. My dagger fell to the ground and I picked it back up, slicing the Laistrygonian's thigh. He yelled and drew a small silver staff. Wait... how come that looked familiar?

"Hello, Kaitlyn!" I said to myself. "That's Mr. Red Robes' staff! Wait. Staff?"

The giant snapped me out of my thoughts. He swung the weapon at me and I dropped to the floor. I looked around and my eyes landed on some vines, and I immediately thought of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. I smirked to myself. "Thank you, Luke Skywalker," I whispered to myself.

I ran at the vines, and the Laistrygonian giant probably thought I was fleeing. He chuckled. "HA! You scrawny mortal cannot take me on! How stupid of you."

He turned his attention back to my bestie, so I knew I had to work fast, or else Tiffany would soon be living in that gross monster's stomach. I took an end of a vine and began to run around the giant in circles, the vines wrapping around his legs. He didn't seem to notice, which was a good sign. In a matter of minutes, the same long vine wrapped around his legs multiple times. He began to stir. "Hey... why am I stuck? I can't walk!" complained the Laistrygonian.

I continued my work. He began to tip over. "Whoa! WHOA!" shouted the giant.

I tied off the end to a piece of the vine and suddenly, he fell. Tiff safely rolled out of his palm, and I just lay her off to the side. I climbed on top of the monster's chest so he could see me. He groaned. "Why..." he whined.

I pulled out my dagger and waved it in front of his face. "Don't eat my friend, bro. It's not wise."

He frowned and stuck his tongue out at me. I pointed to his silver spear. "Where'd you get that?" I demanded.

He smirked at me. "I won't ever tell you, puny half-blood."

I dragged the dagger on his cheek, making a line of blood on it. He winced. "Still won't tell you. Mouth is zipped."

I put my weapon on the other cheek. "Yeah? How about I give you another cut?"

He looked at me with wild eyes. "NO! Don't hurt my cheek! I spent YEARS trying to get perfect skin!"

I almost burst out laughing, but I decided that would make the Laistrygonian giant less intimidated. I began making a slice on his cheek. The giant shrieked. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you!"

I smiled at him. "Good. Get talking."

He avoided making eye contact with me. "He... he lost it so he sent me to retrieve it and bring it back to him."

I scowled. "Who is 'he'?"

"T-the man in the red robes. He has no name; we just call him our savior."


"Y-yeah. An army. He has an army, and I'm part of it. I'm actually their general."

I scoffed. "He's not very good at choosing."

It was his turn to scowl. "I am a VERY good general."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. So how'd he lose his signature weapon?"

"He was battling. I don't know the details, but he lost it I guess."

"And where are you bringing it to?"

"His army. MY army. To pass it onto him."

"And where is this army?"

"In the rainforest."

I kicked the giant's nose. "Of course I know it's in the rainforest! We're IN the rainforest right now."

"We are?" asked the monster dumbly.

I cocked my head. "Nooo, we're in school!"

"He-he. School. That's funny."

I made a disgusted look at him. "Tell me the exact location of where your army is. I'll take the spear for you."

The Laistrygonian's eyes brightened. "Really?"

"Yeah! Makes it easier, eh?"

"Yeah, sure does!"

Gods of Olympus, this giant was hopeless. He handed me the weapon. "Okay, the location is in the swarm of bullet ants."

"Huh? Where's that?"

He shrugged. "Look for bullet ants. They're big and black."

I stared at him with no expression. "Is that all the information you can give me?"

He nodded. "It's all the information I have!"

I squinted my eyes at him in suspicion, but I knew deep inside that this monster couldn't lie to me, knowing how dense he was. I grinned at him. "Thanks, Mr. Large Man!"

I hopped off the Laistrygonian giant's chest and landed next to Tiffany. I took out a ziplock bag filled with ambrosia and slid a square into her mouth. She munched it slowly and the color returned to her face. She sat up with a moan. "Ugh... did I go unconscious again?"

I chuckled. "Yep! Come on, I got information and breakfast."

She frowned at me. "How long was I out?"

I shrugged. "Dunno." I gestured to the giant. "Long enough for me to take THAT THING down."

She groaned and facepalmed. "Let's just go eat."

And with that, we made our way back to our makeshift camp to tell James of our wonderful episode.

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