Kaitlyn's POV

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"I-I'm so sorry! I know what I did..."

I sobbed, burying my face in my hands. Chiron put his hand on my shoulder. "It wasn't your fault, Kaitlyn. He had to die. I informed you and the others. The world is safer now, without Nathaniel."

I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face. "Why... Why'd you banish him? When he didn't even do anything wrong."

He shook his head. "I wasn't at camp at this time. I was with my fellow centaurs. I was not aware of him being kicked out of Camp Half-Blood. I would never have allowed it. The other campers told me he had left to battle a monster--the Nemean Lion-- and I was foolish enough to believe them. They said he died bravely."

I took a few shuddering breaths. "And you know about..?"

He nodded gravely. "I'm very sorry about Max. He was a great student. Very brave and amazing to be around. He sacrificed his life to save multiple."

"I-i-it's not fair," I choked out. "He shouldn't have died."

Chiron sighed. "He will have an honorable funeral. Get some rest and clean yourself up. You deserve it."

I just nodded and walked away to my cabin.

As I got out of the shower, I noticed something on my nightstand: an envelope sealed very nicely. I opened it up and a note was revealed. I unfolded it and flowing lavender writing was on it. I gasped. Purple. That was Max's color. I sat down on the edge of my bed and read it. It read:

Hey babe. Missed you. If you're reading this, I'm not alive, sadly. I wrote- well, rather ENCHANTED, this before I left to help on the quest. Sorry. I know it must be hard for you, but you have to push on. I knew from the start, as soon as I heard that prophecy. That line about ME. I deeply apologize for not informing you about it, but you would never go on the quest if you knew because you'd insist on protecting me. It's okay though. I saved lives, at least I hope. Ha, if I didn't then my death would've been for nothing. Oh, gods, that sounded insensitive. Sorry. I just wanted you to know I love you. I still do. I'm in Elysium now. I'm not gonna try for rebirth; I'm too lazy. Nico promised me safe passage into the Underworld, so I'm fine. I'll miss your sarcastic remarks and your adorable face. I'll miss the bruises you'd give me when we sparred. I'll miss the passionate kisses and warm hugs you gave me. I'll miss pushing you off the climbing wall only to save you. I'll miss you. All of you. But it's time for my spitfire to take off without me. I love you with all my heart. All the way to Olympus and back. I will never forget about you.



BTW- Don't go to Nico to bring me back from the dead please. Love you!

I set down the letter on my lap. "Heh," I chuckled sadly.

Tears began collecting in my eyelashes, soon making their way down my cheeks. I hung my head and cried softly. I wasn't depressed. It was closure. Maybe not the closure I expected, but it was closure that made me feel relieved, but not exactly joyful. Smiling lightly and sobbing softly. Always a good way to come back from a dangerous, deadly quest. At that moment, my half sister Lacey came in. She spotted me immediately and jogged over. "Oh! Kaitlyn, are you alright?"

She hugged me tightly. I giggled. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine..."

And she just held me as I cried a river.

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