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Third Person.
March 13 at 11:50am
Joseph called the speedwagon foundation. They had arrived to Lisa Lisa's house, waiting for Joseph and the others to get in. It has been around 2 weeks and 3 days since the fight with Kars happened. He was urging to see Caesar, however, he had to take care of his own injuries first. The boy was excited to see his bestfriend again. "Lets go" Joseph took Suzie Q and Lisa Lisa's hands and ran to the car. "I sure hope Caesar is alright" Lisa Lisa whispered as they got into the car.

Once they arrived to the hospital, they got out of the car and waited for visiting hours to open. They sat on the seats, Joseph's leg went up and down, he was shaking as Suzie Q tried to comfort him. "Visiting Hours are now open." A voice called. The three got out of their seats and headed to Caesar's room. Joseph opened the door and looked at his best friend, who had bandages all over.

"Caesarino!" Joseph cried out as he slowly walked over to him. Lisa Lisa went on the other side of the bed and smiled gently, looking at the blonde Italian. Jojo started crying a bit, happy to see his best friend after a couple of weeks. A doctor came in and closed the door behind her. "How is he?" Lisa Lisa asked. "He's currently in a coma, but he's getting better over the days. A few of his bones were broken and he had serious injuries, although we healed him in no time. He might take a few months, maybe years to wake up though"

Joseph looked at the doctor and back at Caesar. 'Thank god you're okay' 


A couple of weeks have passed, Joseph brought Caesar gifts even though he was aware he'll probably not wake up any time soon. Jojo talked on and on to the boy beside him about what was happening. Like how Suzie Q and him got married or how Lisa Lisa is his mom. He threw in a couple of stupid jokes and read him poems. He would leave but come back again the next day.

After a few days, Joseph stopped visting for a while. It's not like he was forgetting about him. No. He had to take care of Suzie Q and start working. He tried coming at least twice a week to see his best friend.

Months have passed.

Caesar hasn't waken up yet.

One day Joseph came in with a small baby in his hands. He sat down and moved his chair closer to Caesar. "Hey Caesarino! I hope you wake up soon so you can meet my daughter, Holly! I know how you were blabbering about hating babies and children, but I promise Holly isn't bad! Maybe you'll get a makeover by her one day!" he laughed but then looked at the side table. His presents were still there, right where he put them. "I miss you, come back already Caesar." He played with his blonde hair for a while but then got up.

"Goodbye my Caesarino!" he carefully hugged the Italian with one arm. "I''ll see you soon"


Present Time
(May 11th)
4 Years have passed.  Holly has started talking to Caesar. "Hey Uncle Caesar!" she laughed and walked in, closing the door behind her. "Momma and Papa are getting something, so lets hang out!" she climbed on the chair and crawled onto the bed, sitting next to him. "Papa has been hoping you wake up soon, so you better hurry or else a scary monster will eat you!"

There was a silence.

No! I take that back, I don't want a scary monster to eat you!" Holly wrapped herself around Caesar's arm and snuggled next to him. "Just wake up, okay?" she smiled.

Minutes passed by. "I wonder where momma and papa are" Holly whispered to herself but then got on top of Caesar. "Hopefully this isn't hurting you!" She took a glance at his face.

His eyes started to slowly open. Holly gasped and shaked him a bit. Caesar moved his hands slowly, trying to rub his eyes to get a clear vision. "Who are you..." he mumbled and starting sitting up. "Im...Jojo? and.... Suzie's daughter!" she smiled and got off him. "Daughter? Just how long has it been. The last thing I remember is getting crushed by a rock" he scratched the back of his head and looked around. "That sounds... scary. Also, you have been sleeping for 4 or 5 years! Why did it take you so long to wake up"

Holly crossed her arms and frowned. Caesar sighed and looked at the child. "Well, one things for sure. You definitely are that bastard, Joseph's daughter" he looked at the side table and saw all the gifts. 'From Jojo, To Caesarino~' Caesar read. That stupid nickname. "Im going to go tell Momma and Papa!" she jumped off the bed and opened the door, trying to find her parents.

She looked up at a doctor and tugged on her coat. "Hey lady, have you seen my parents? I want to tell them that Uncle Caesar is awake!" Holly looked around once more and waited for the doctor's response.

Meanwhile with Caesar, he grabbed one of the cards and opened it.

Dear Caesarino,
You better wake up soon you bastard! You had me worried about you. It's only fair you wake up. I hope you do like your gifts when you wake up, though. I put thought into them. It's been around 4 years. So hurry up bubble boy.
From, Jojo

The blonde laughed a little and put the card on the side table, hearing the door open. "SHIZAAA" Caesar turned his head to look at who's loud voice that belonged to. He felt arms wrap around him. "J-jojo?" Caesar mumbled and hugged him back slowly. "You little idiot! I got worried that you wouldn't wake up again. I missed you so much" Jojo sobbed into Caesar's shoulder and hugged him tightly. He opened his mouth to say something, but then stopped and smiled at the brunette.

"Im sorry that our last interaction was a fight, it was my fault that I didn't go after you. If I did you wouldn't be in the hospital"

"Jojo. Look at me" Joseph looked up and made eye contact with the blonde. He placed his hands on his shoulders and took a breath. "It wasn't your fault. It was my fault for being stubborn, i'm sorry for worrying you" a few tears formed into his eyes and pulled him back for a hug. "Caesar! You're awake!" Suzie Q closed the door behind her as Holly climbed on the bed. She pulled out her phone and texted Lisa Lisa, letting her know Caesar has woken up. "Jojo let go of me now, you're going to suffocate me" Caesar struggled to get out of his grip.

"Hehe. Sorry" Joseph wiped his tears as the doctor came in. "I'm glad to see you have woken up, Mr Zeppeli. Let us treat your small wounds and then you'll be able to get out of the hospital" the doctor said with a gentle smile. Joseph picked Holly up and walked out the door with Suzie Q, waving goodbye to Caesar.

Once they got to the waiting room, Lisa Lisa came in. "Is it true that Caesar is awake?" she questioned the two. "Yeah. They're taking care of his minor injuries but they said he will come out in around 15 minutes" he informed his mom and she nodded. "I'll go pick up a present for Caesar" Lisa Lisa walked out happily.

To be continued

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